Prep Derived from prepatory - a completely different meaning to the word prep meaning home work in countries such as the UK - A prep has now become an extremely infamous label, many "preps" seem to be oblivious to that fact, but the term is still used, usually in spite of other people in forms of jealousy or hatred. Supposedly the definition of a prep is being complete hoebag with no sense of individuality whatsoever who is "out to get everybody".
Is usually completely self centered and is extremely conceited. Creates problems for other "clicks" "types" "groups" etc... by being completely slutty bitchy up themselves etc... etc...
Can be recognized by stupidity, illiteration, use of crappy language, using words such as "like" and "oh my god" and "totally" 10-40 times in one sentence, obsession to apply lip gloss 456 times in the span of 5 minutes, amount of money held in ONE purse, expensive and "preppy" clothes such as Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Hollister, Armani Exchange etc... , their desperation to keep slim ( aka anorexia nervosa )
Other Comments: Is very intent on being up to date with the latest gossip and bitching around the whole school, is very popular, usually hangs out with a clique of friends and/or has a posse of which will include 2-4 other clones, has connections with absolutely anybody and everybody with a high popularity reputation, Loves "cute" things but are actually completely bitchy.
Is usually anticipated to have sex. Is very worried about looks and style and if one is wearing enough make up, Is usually constantly using peroxide and tweezers. Most of the time, the prep will be a platinum blonde. Usually dates jocks/football players etc...
hated by most other labels such as goths nerds punks loosers druggies etc...
Ok So NoW ThAt We'Ve GoTtEn ThRu ThAt LeT's GeT oN tO hOw To lOoK (although being a prep is SUPPOSED to be because of where you're from but who cares anyways?! lets get to it!):
1.Get the attitude. An important quality of a prep is their ability to be happy, bubbly, and very social. Look on the bright side all the time and be happy with who you are, and encourage people to do the same. Be social; make new friends and practice being more outgoing. You can be the life of the party but still be classy at the same time. For example, if you are at a party you won't be anti-social or drinking like a drunk and slobbering all over the place. Rather, you will have nursed a drink, socialized and not be acting like an idiot.
2.Get your clothes from a traditional, upper class store. Get timeless clothes that will always look stylish. DO get brands such as Ralph Lauren, J. Crew, Brooks Brothers, Vineyard Vines, Martha LeWren, Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, and J. Press. Abercrombie & Fitch and American Eagle clothes are sometimes thought to be preppie, but they are more of a down-market, teenage look, which you should grow out of in high school .
3.Look fresh-faced. Not too much makeup, keep it light! Something to even out your skin, a little lip gloss, and mascara is all you need for everyday.
For men, a clean shave is a must. No facial hair, whatsoever.
Always smell fresh. Pick one 'clean' scent to stick with. Make sure it is not overpowering.
Keep your hair and nails clean and well-trimmed. Your hair should be natural or straightened if it is not nice-looking curly. Nails should be in neutral colors or have a French manicure.
Get the preppy style clothes. Just because you got some clothes from an upper class store doesn't mean they are preppy. Here are some suggestions for that type of clothing:
Khaki pants and skirts (the prep equivalent to jeans)
Polo and Oxford shirts
Tennis/golf/sailing inspired skirts and dresses
Dark denims or chino pants
Tea dresses and summer dresses
Rugby shirts
Cable-knit vests and sweaters, especially traditional cricket sweaters.
Patterns- plaid, stripes, gingham, polka dots, argyle, floral, paisley, nova checks, tartan.
Embroidery/prints- Nantucket whales, turtles, alligators, lobsters...
Bermuda shorts
Tote bags
Ballet flats
Flip flops
Pearls and dimonds are a good choice in earings and necklaces
Wear preppy colors. Bright and happy, like green, pink, light blue... nautical red, white and navy blue.

Understand the difference between looking like a prep as a girl and looking like a prep as a guy.
Play sports. Guys often participate in crew (rowing), polo, golf, tennis, lacrosse, swimming, squash, rugby, skiing, or sailing. Girls, try some tennis, swimming, horseback riding, golf, fencing, cheerleading, ballet and lacrosse. Staying in shape is a very important characteristic of a prep. Preps have toned athletic bodies and are never overweight. Remember, you want to look good in your new Lilly dress. So maintain a healthy weight by eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising.
The preppy look is basically a neat, well-balanced, put-together look that can be achieved by combining the right colors, patterns, and accessories. It is never trashy or overdone. If you want to look preppy with a bit of an edge, wild prints or a rather flashy accessory or two could work. Try cheetah spots - but only if they are balanced out.
Too much gaudy, tacky, flashy, ultra-chunky jewelry/makeup
Trashy, revealing clothes.
Too much makeup of unnatural shades (like bright red lipstick combined with purple and blue eyeshadow).
If you are moving towards a preppy look, it may be best to change slowly but surely.
Don't be fake. Remember to stay true to yourself. While following preppy guidelines, be careful not to specifically copy the wardrobe of another person.
If you are old enough to wear perfume or cologne, you may want to try Martha LeWren's 'double up' perfumes; they smell amazing, but subtle, and they come in sets of two, so you won't get de-sensitized.
You need to wear a foundation that matches your skin tone. Then find a lip gloss.
Dont forget to do this gradually, one polo top at a time. Also try changing over a long break, otherwise you may be called a poser.
NoW hOw To AcT:
1. Have a preppy personality. Preps usually are happy all the time, so be happy and bubbly. Be social and nice to everyone.
2. Have good hygiene. Shower every day, brush your teeth twice a day, keep your face free of blemishes, and keep your legs and armpits shaved.
3. Keep makeup light, but noticeable. Don't wear a lot of eyeliner, or none at all if you can, keep foundation light, (don't make it look like it's caked on,) wear a little lip gloss. Lip balm and lotion are a must. Dry skin isn't attractive.
4. Keep your nails clean. Paint them, and fix them if they get chipped. Preppy girls usually have French manicures or solid colored nails. Don't paint them childish colors either such as lime green or blue.If you bite them, stop.
5. Smell nice. Wear a light perfume that's not too overpowering, and stick to it. People will think you always smell that good!
Make sure you match.
Play sports. These are sports that preps typically play:
Horseback riding
Field Hockey
Cheerleading (all the way)
Get good grades. Be a good student. Preps are known for doing well in school.
Be optimistic. Be a friendly person that everyone wants to hang out with.
Eat healthy and stay fit.
Never, ever, ever, curse. It is very tacky. Don't try to look cool swearing
it can be very annoying and rude.
Always act sweet to everyone, no matter who they are. IF people are rude to you kill them with kindness.
If you make these changes all at once, people may call you a fake. Better to take it one polo shirt at a time.
Clothing brands like Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, and American Eagle are often considered to be fake or tacky. (Unless your in high school) These can work however, but you need to know what to look for.
Don't ever talk about money. Respectable preps never talk about money because it is ill-mannered.
Avoid flashy labels such as shirts that say "DIOR" or "A & F" on them. this makes you seem too flashy and you should stick to the basics.
Avoid purses that have logos all over them because it makes you seem, again, too flashy and that you are trying too hard, plus logo-filled items actually cost less than the items that aren't.Remember, less is always more.
Ears should be the only place you pierce yourself. Two of the places that are the biggest prep no-nos are bellybutton and tongue piercing.
Looking preppy means looking expensive. It's not about being perfect, it's just about making the world think you are.
You can look preppy without breaking the bank. Most preps might shop at discount places or thrift stores.
Don't use trashy language. It doesn't sound good, and can give you a bad reputation.
So very very true. I don't know who you are but you really know your stuff. Great Job.
thnks for the advice really u dont know how much u help thanks a mille
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