Tuesday, May 20, 2008


OVERVIEW: You enjoy having a large audience to express your passion for the arts and philanthropic activities and taking your visionary attitudes to the world to support your personal integrity. You feel very blessed by the wonderful connections you are making to express your concepts. You will find you can relate well to others and enjoy spreading your wings more to be with others in the community. Your attitude of enjoying life to its fullest carries over and makes you popular in your professional life.

The kindness you have been able to give to others will come back to you tenfold. People will appreciate your consideration and friendliness. With your need to concentrate and be independent, you prefer working in your own business and behind the scenes rather than with other people. You thrive on wanting to be different, and you will have lots of new resources to help you for achieve a greater good in life. You'll have lots of energy and won't overlook all the details you seem to need to take care of. You will definitely be working hard to manifest your greater visions in life. You have such an amazing flair for an unusual and unique sense of design.

Expressing your individual creative inspiration will be a strong motivation to you to make changes in your physical environment this year. You may even want to redecorate your house or start over from scratch. Mysticism and the arts are very attractive and you benefit from paying attention to your inner voice, and learning to follow its guidance, rather than depending on the changing reflections of those around you. You are fascinated by the unknowable mysteries of your own inner world and might want to express the inspiration you are tuning into through music and writing.

LOVE: You enjoy spending time searching the depths of your awareness of where you stand on certain issues. This yields positive results in terms of effectively communicating in partnership. You appreciate a person that is not hung up on mundane reality. You feel a strong connection between one's inner awareness and the deep and nebulous realms of magical inner worlds. The closeness in your personal relationship will be very comfortable this year as you are able to give of yourself in a more intimate way and be able to get through some of the fears you may have had about being in a love relationship.

You are feeling very passionate and are very energized by having such a wonderful relationship. You notice your urges for personal security and surprise yourself with how spontaneous you are in communicating your love to another. You will be able to bring your relationship to a higher level this year, and by this summer, you will seek more of a commitment. It's very helpful to maintain your idealistic picture of how you want your relationship to manifest. You will be amazed at the sense of healing in your relationship the year, and how much you are able to help others by your example of overcoming any fears from the past.

CAREER: Since this is a year for being ready to venture on your own, you will push to create your vision of a bigger expression of yourself. You are feeling pretty high minded and enjoy your insights. Your faith in your aspirations and abilities will help to continually remold you in doing the best you can and will bring a new kind of sensitivity into your demeanor. Your identity will hinge on the sense you have of yourself.

An attitude of reflecting good intentions, and being in tune with the true needs of others in society, makes you to want to extend yourself in a global way. You will be thrilled to focus on and express yourself with your unique individuality through your own business. Your good perception, open mindedness and strong mentality gives you an ability to do well in your work as you possess a keen, alert and expressive mind and can be versatile with your different skills.

You may need to avoid getting too caught up into the details and focus on the larger picture. By the end of the year, you will feel big transformations through sharing your beautiful work with the world. You will receive the recognition you deserve and your whole life will take on new meaning. You will take on new financial ventures this year as your business expands and you learn new ways of putting your integrity into action where others will greatly benefit from your pursuits. You may find that you will be working with many people and your focus will expand to new markets.

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