Tuesday, May 20, 2008


OVERVIEW: This year is all about manifesting your personal goals and highlighting life lessons. You may want to withdraw into your own world when, in reality, you have a strong urge to evolve. Detach from the mundane and spend more time discovering and caring for your own needs, nurturing all the love within that keeps your health flowing positively. Making long-overdue positive and practical changes in your living situation will be important, whether it's putting on the decorating cap or moving into a new house.

Home represents your foundation and is symbolic of who you are. You will have the inner strength and ability it takes to accomplish what you desire. The freed up energy will give you the optimism and enthusiasm to spread your wings and have long-deserved fun. It will be as though someone opened up a large picture window to let some fresh air flow in. Your life will definitely be brighter as new energy and opportunities come your way easily and freely. You will feel a great burden lift and come into a new sense of seeing things from a higher perspective.

Feeling reconnected with your hopes and dreams and having time to be sociable and chatty and being with friends and family will suit you just fine. Music is a great source of inspiration for to connect your talents with your quest for harmony -- true to your Libran nature of requiring peacefulness, harmony and balance in your life. Conserve some of your strength to relax and draw on a new sense of courage to help you achieve. Traveling will be a good outlet for you to expand your romantic interests.

LOVE: You like the idea of settling down with someone you love, and feel security of having a home together that matches your high ideals of beauty and comfort. You thrive on feeling validated for your creativity. Sharing in an intimate relationship gives you an abiding sense of enjoyment. You have a strong intuitive sense what a good partnership requires and like the idea of being part of a unit rather than being on your own.

Get out there! Accept invitations to social gatherings and creative events, embracing the opportunity to find your perfect partner or soul mate. Your energy, at this time, is right to attract an intimate relationship that is both loving and mutually harmonious. You will be imbued with happiness when you find that some of your romantic notions can be fulfilled through travels with your sweetie. Or, you may enjoy a solo adventure to help you gain perspective on life and romance. Taking time to enjoy the company of someone with similar high standards will lead to romantic fulfillment. Children also play an important part in giving you joy and loving energy, as your big heart helps to bring out their creative and loving gifts.

CAREER: Change comes your way as you shift your dreamy ideas into new practical avenues. You are a very talented writer and have amazing musical abilities. You express yourself with charm, and will entertain others with your ideas. There may be changes at work due to organizational upheavals or having to take on some new assignments.

You may be feeling a constricted and bored with your present job and may seize the opportunity to use your creativity and talents in new ways. You may even want to change jobs, if you are not satisfied with a change in routine or job description. As you develop your ideas more, be open to opportunities where people are looking for the special skills you possess. You like variety in your work, and you need to remain flexible to satisfy your new ideas and still receive rewards. New techniques for doing healing work may also bring some new opportunities.

Beware, however, the negative attitudes of others and always put yourself first. With perseverance, you will achieve more intellectual and communication flexibility in your career and make the necessary changes to fulfill your desires.

(compliments of ivillage.com)

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