Ok so now its summer 08!!!! yes finally! Ok so this summer the best thing you can do to look fabulous is take care of your skin!
Ok so lets get started:
CLEANERS AND TONERS: During the day your skin is exposed to all the dirt and pollution of the air; overnight, as you sleep, your skin is getting rid of waste. so it is very important to cleanse your skin in the morning AND the evening.
If you wear a cream foundation or base during the day, use a cleaser and toner at night and only use soap in the morning-- cleanser dissolves foundation better than soap does.
If you have dry skin, use a cream cleanse; is you have oily skin, a foam or gel cleanser is best. message your face lightly with the cleanser as you would with the soap. Pay extra attention to the nose, chin and forehead.
A cotton ball soaked in a gentle toner will remove any remaining traces of dirt or cleanser (If the cotton ball is too dry it will irritate your skin so make sure u soak it good). you may be tempted to wipe out that oil with a strong toner, but don't do it! stong toner can irritate and over-dry oily skin, making it secrete more oil! so a gentle formula is better. if your skin is pretty sensitive, dont use soap on it at all. instead, use and extremely gentle cleanser and toner in the morning and at night.
MOISTURIZERS: If you have dry skin, smooth on a lightweight, daytime moisterizer after you wash you face. Some moisturizers have UV protection, which is a great way to cover two bases at once! if you have oily skin, you dont really need moisterizer. just drink lots and lots of water and are careful not to use too many products that dry out your skin.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Prep: definition/ style/ how to look preppy/ and more!
SO EXACTLY WHAT IS A PREP YOU ASK? WELL HERE'S A FULL DEFINITION (compliments of urban dictionary =D go here for other definitions-http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=prep)
Prep Derived from prepatory - a completely different meaning to the word prep meaning home work in countries such as the UK - A prep has now become an extremely infamous label, many "preps" seem to be oblivious to that fact, but the term is still used, usually in spite of other people in forms of jealousy or hatred. Supposedly the definition of a prep is being complete hoebag with no sense of individuality whatsoever who is "out to get everybody".
Is usually completely self centered and is extremely conceited. Creates problems for other "clicks" "types" "groups" etc... by being completely slutty bitchy up themselves etc... etc...
Can be recognized by stupidity, illiteration, use of crappy language, using words such as "like" and "oh my god" and "totally" 10-40 times in one sentence, obsession to apply lip gloss 456 times in the span of 5 minutes, amount of money held in ONE purse, expensive and "preppy" clothes such as Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Hollister, Armani Exchange etc... , their desperation to keep slim ( aka anorexia nervosa )
Other Comments: Is very intent on being up to date with the latest gossip and bitching around the whole school, is very popular, usually hangs out with a clique of friends and/or has a posse of which will include 2-4 other clones, has connections with absolutely anybody and everybody with a high popularity reputation, Loves "cute" things but are actually completely bitchy.
Is usually anticipated to have sex. Is very worried about looks and style and if one is wearing enough make up, Is usually constantly using peroxide and tweezers. Most of the time, the prep will be a platinum blonde. Usually dates jocks/football players etc...
hated by most other labels such as goths nerds punks loosers druggies etc...
Ok So NoW ThAt We'Ve GoTtEn ThRu ThAt LeT's GeT oN tO hOw To lOoK (although being a prep is SUPPOSED to be because of where you're from but who cares anyways?! lets get to it!):
1.Get the attitude. An important quality of a prep is their ability to be happy, bubbly, and very social. Look on the bright side all the time and be happy with who you are, and encourage people to do the same. Be social; make new friends and practice being more outgoing. You can be the life of the party but still be classy at the same time. For example, if you are at a party you won't be anti-social or drinking like a drunk and slobbering all over the place. Rather, you will have nursed a drink, socialized and not be acting like an idiot.
2.Get your clothes from a traditional, upper class store. Get timeless clothes that will always look stylish. DO get brands such as Ralph Lauren, J. Crew, Brooks Brothers, Vineyard Vines, Martha LeWren, Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, and J. Press. Abercrombie & Fitch and American Eagle clothes are sometimes thought to be preppie, but they are more of a down-market, teenage look, which you should grow out of in high school .
3.Look fresh-faced. Not too much makeup, keep it light! Something to even out your skin, a little lip gloss, and mascara is all you need for everyday.
For men, a clean shave is a must. No facial hair, whatsoever.
Always smell fresh. Pick one 'clean' scent to stick with. Make sure it is not overpowering.
Keep your hair and nails clean and well-trimmed. Your hair should be natural or straightened if it is not nice-looking curly. Nails should be in neutral colors or have a French manicure.
Get the preppy style clothes. Just because you got some clothes from an upper class store doesn't mean they are preppy. Here are some suggestions for that type of clothing:
Khaki pants and skirts (the prep equivalent to jeans)
Polo and Oxford shirts
Tennis/golf/sailing inspired skirts and dresses
Dark denims or chino pants
Tea dresses and summer dresses
Rugby shirts
Cable-knit vests and sweaters, especially traditional cricket sweaters.
Patterns- plaid, stripes, gingham, polka dots, argyle, floral, paisley, nova checks, tartan.
Embroidery/prints- Nantucket whales, turtles, alligators, lobsters...
Bermuda shorts
Tote bags
Ballet flats
Flip flops
Pearls and dimonds are a good choice in earings and necklaces
Wear preppy colors. Bright and happy, like green, pink, light blue... nautical red, white and navy blue.

Understand the difference between looking like a prep as a girl and looking like a prep as a guy.
Play sports. Guys often participate in crew (rowing), polo, golf, tennis, lacrosse, swimming, squash, rugby, skiing, or sailing. Girls, try some tennis, swimming, horseback riding, golf, fencing, cheerleading, ballet and lacrosse. Staying in shape is a very important characteristic of a prep. Preps have toned athletic bodies and are never overweight. Remember, you want to look good in your new Lilly dress. So maintain a healthy weight by eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising.
The preppy look is basically a neat, well-balanced, put-together look that can be achieved by combining the right colors, patterns, and accessories. It is never trashy or overdone. If you want to look preppy with a bit of an edge, wild prints or a rather flashy accessory or two could work. Try cheetah spots - but only if they are balanced out.
Too much gaudy, tacky, flashy, ultra-chunky jewelry/makeup
Trashy, revealing clothes.
Too much makeup of unnatural shades (like bright red lipstick combined with purple and blue eyeshadow).
If you are moving towards a preppy look, it may be best to change slowly but surely.
Don't be fake. Remember to stay true to yourself. While following preppy guidelines, be careful not to specifically copy the wardrobe of another person.
If you are old enough to wear perfume or cologne, you may want to try Martha LeWren's 'double up' perfumes; they smell amazing, but subtle, and they come in sets of two, so you won't get de-sensitized.
You need to wear a foundation that matches your skin tone. Then find a lip gloss.
Dont forget to do this gradually, one polo top at a time. Also try changing over a long break, otherwise you may be called a poser.
NoW hOw To AcT:
1. Have a preppy personality. Preps usually are happy all the time, so be happy and bubbly. Be social and nice to everyone.
2. Have good hygiene. Shower every day, brush your teeth twice a day, keep your face free of blemishes, and keep your legs and armpits shaved.
3. Keep makeup light, but noticeable. Don't wear a lot of eyeliner, or none at all if you can, keep foundation light, (don't make it look like it's caked on,) wear a little lip gloss. Lip balm and lotion are a must. Dry skin isn't attractive.
4. Keep your nails clean. Paint them, and fix them if they get chipped. Preppy girls usually have French manicures or solid colored nails. Don't paint them childish colors either such as lime green or blue.If you bite them, stop.
5. Smell nice. Wear a light perfume that's not too overpowering, and stick to it. People will think you always smell that good!
Make sure you match.
Play sports. These are sports that preps typically play:
Horseback riding
Field Hockey
Cheerleading (all the way)
Get good grades. Be a good student. Preps are known for doing well in school.
Be optimistic. Be a friendly person that everyone wants to hang out with.
Eat healthy and stay fit.
Never, ever, ever, curse. It is very tacky. Don't try to look cool swearing
it can be very annoying and rude.
Always act sweet to everyone, no matter who they are. IF people are rude to you kill them with kindness.
If you make these changes all at once, people may call you a fake. Better to take it one polo shirt at a time.
Clothing brands like Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, and American Eagle are often considered to be fake or tacky. (Unless your in high school) These can work however, but you need to know what to look for.
Don't ever talk about money. Respectable preps never talk about money because it is ill-mannered.
Avoid flashy labels such as shirts that say "DIOR" or "A & F" on them. this makes you seem too flashy and you should stick to the basics.
Avoid purses that have logos all over them because it makes you seem, again, too flashy and that you are trying too hard, plus logo-filled items actually cost less than the items that aren't.Remember, less is always more.
Ears should be the only place you pierce yourself. Two of the places that are the biggest prep no-nos are bellybutton and tongue piercing.
Looking preppy means looking expensive. It's not about being perfect, it's just about making the world think you are.
You can look preppy without breaking the bank. Most preps might shop at discount places or thrift stores.
Don't use trashy language. It doesn't sound good, and can give you a bad reputation.
Prep Derived from prepatory - a completely different meaning to the word prep meaning home work in countries such as the UK - A prep has now become an extremely infamous label, many "preps" seem to be oblivious to that fact, but the term is still used, usually in spite of other people in forms of jealousy or hatred. Supposedly the definition of a prep is being complete hoebag with no sense of individuality whatsoever who is "out to get everybody".
Is usually completely self centered and is extremely conceited. Creates problems for other "clicks" "types" "groups" etc... by being completely slutty bitchy up themselves etc... etc...
Can be recognized by stupidity, illiteration, use of crappy language, using words such as "like" and "oh my god" and "totally" 10-40 times in one sentence, obsession to apply lip gloss 456 times in the span of 5 minutes, amount of money held in ONE purse, expensive and "preppy" clothes such as Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Hollister, Armani Exchange etc... , their desperation to keep slim ( aka anorexia nervosa )
Other Comments: Is very intent on being up to date with the latest gossip and bitching around the whole school, is very popular, usually hangs out with a clique of friends and/or has a posse of which will include 2-4 other clones, has connections with absolutely anybody and everybody with a high popularity reputation, Loves "cute" things but are actually completely bitchy.
Is usually anticipated to have sex. Is very worried about looks and style and if one is wearing enough make up, Is usually constantly using peroxide and tweezers. Most of the time, the prep will be a platinum blonde. Usually dates jocks/football players etc...
hated by most other labels such as goths nerds punks loosers druggies etc...
Ok So NoW ThAt We'Ve GoTtEn ThRu ThAt LeT's GeT oN tO hOw To lOoK (although being a prep is SUPPOSED to be because of where you're from but who cares anyways?! lets get to it!):
1.Get the attitude. An important quality of a prep is their ability to be happy, bubbly, and very social. Look on the bright side all the time and be happy with who you are, and encourage people to do the same. Be social; make new friends and practice being more outgoing. You can be the life of the party but still be classy at the same time. For example, if you are at a party you won't be anti-social or drinking like a drunk and slobbering all over the place. Rather, you will have nursed a drink, socialized and not be acting like an idiot.
2.Get your clothes from a traditional, upper class store. Get timeless clothes that will always look stylish. DO get brands such as Ralph Lauren, J. Crew, Brooks Brothers, Vineyard Vines, Martha LeWren, Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, and J. Press. Abercrombie & Fitch and American Eagle clothes are sometimes thought to be preppie, but they are more of a down-market, teenage look, which you should grow out of in high school .
3.Look fresh-faced. Not too much makeup, keep it light! Something to even out your skin, a little lip gloss, and mascara is all you need for everyday.
For men, a clean shave is a must. No facial hair, whatsoever.
Always smell fresh. Pick one 'clean' scent to stick with. Make sure it is not overpowering.
Keep your hair and nails clean and well-trimmed. Your hair should be natural or straightened if it is not nice-looking curly. Nails should be in neutral colors or have a French manicure.
Get the preppy style clothes. Just because you got some clothes from an upper class store doesn't mean they are preppy. Here are some suggestions for that type of clothing:
Khaki pants and skirts (the prep equivalent to jeans)
Polo and Oxford shirts
Tennis/golf/sailing inspired skirts and dresses
Dark denims or chino pants
Tea dresses and summer dresses
Rugby shirts
Cable-knit vests and sweaters, especially traditional cricket sweaters.
Patterns- plaid, stripes, gingham, polka dots, argyle, floral, paisley, nova checks, tartan.
Embroidery/prints- Nantucket whales, turtles, alligators, lobsters...
Bermuda shorts
Tote bags
Ballet flats
Flip flops
Pearls and dimonds are a good choice in earings and necklaces
Wear preppy colors. Bright and happy, like green, pink, light blue... nautical red, white and navy blue.

Understand the difference between looking like a prep as a girl and looking like a prep as a guy.
Play sports. Guys often participate in crew (rowing), polo, golf, tennis, lacrosse, swimming, squash, rugby, skiing, or sailing. Girls, try some tennis, swimming, horseback riding, golf, fencing, cheerleading, ballet and lacrosse. Staying in shape is a very important characteristic of a prep. Preps have toned athletic bodies and are never overweight. Remember, you want to look good in your new Lilly dress. So maintain a healthy weight by eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising.
The preppy look is basically a neat, well-balanced, put-together look that can be achieved by combining the right colors, patterns, and accessories. It is never trashy or overdone. If you want to look preppy with a bit of an edge, wild prints or a rather flashy accessory or two could work. Try cheetah spots - but only if they are balanced out.
Too much gaudy, tacky, flashy, ultra-chunky jewelry/makeup
Trashy, revealing clothes.
Too much makeup of unnatural shades (like bright red lipstick combined with purple and blue eyeshadow).
If you are moving towards a preppy look, it may be best to change slowly but surely.
Don't be fake. Remember to stay true to yourself. While following preppy guidelines, be careful not to specifically copy the wardrobe of another person.
If you are old enough to wear perfume or cologne, you may want to try Martha LeWren's 'double up' perfumes; they smell amazing, but subtle, and they come in sets of two, so you won't get de-sensitized.
You need to wear a foundation that matches your skin tone. Then find a lip gloss.
Dont forget to do this gradually, one polo top at a time. Also try changing over a long break, otherwise you may be called a poser.
NoW hOw To AcT:
1. Have a preppy personality. Preps usually are happy all the time, so be happy and bubbly. Be social and nice to everyone.
2. Have good hygiene. Shower every day, brush your teeth twice a day, keep your face free of blemishes, and keep your legs and armpits shaved.
3. Keep makeup light, but noticeable. Don't wear a lot of eyeliner, or none at all if you can, keep foundation light, (don't make it look like it's caked on,) wear a little lip gloss. Lip balm and lotion are a must. Dry skin isn't attractive.
4. Keep your nails clean. Paint them, and fix them if they get chipped. Preppy girls usually have French manicures or solid colored nails. Don't paint them childish colors either such as lime green or blue.If you bite them, stop.
5. Smell nice. Wear a light perfume that's not too overpowering, and stick to it. People will think you always smell that good!
Make sure you match.
Play sports. These are sports that preps typically play:
Horseback riding
Field Hockey
Cheerleading (all the way)
Get good grades. Be a good student. Preps are known for doing well in school.
Be optimistic. Be a friendly person that everyone wants to hang out with.
Eat healthy and stay fit.
Never, ever, ever, curse. It is very tacky. Don't try to look cool swearing
it can be very annoying and rude.
Always act sweet to everyone, no matter who they are. IF people are rude to you kill them with kindness.
If you make these changes all at once, people may call you a fake. Better to take it one polo shirt at a time.
Clothing brands like Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, and American Eagle are often considered to be fake or tacky. (Unless your in high school) These can work however, but you need to know what to look for.
Don't ever talk about money. Respectable preps never talk about money because it is ill-mannered.
Avoid flashy labels such as shirts that say "DIOR" or "A & F" on them. this makes you seem too flashy and you should stick to the basics.
Avoid purses that have logos all over them because it makes you seem, again, too flashy and that you are trying too hard, plus logo-filled items actually cost less than the items that aren't.Remember, less is always more.
Ears should be the only place you pierce yourself. Two of the places that are the biggest prep no-nos are bellybutton and tongue piercing.
Looking preppy means looking expensive. It's not about being perfect, it's just about making the world think you are.
You can look preppy without breaking the bank. Most preps might shop at discount places or thrift stores.
Don't use trashy language. It doesn't sound good, and can give you a bad reputation.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
EmO: definition/style/how to look emo/pics
So what exactly is EMO? This is actually a very good question because the meaning of Emo is often misunderstood (as they say they are =\)
SO HERE IT IS: In the early 90s there was a movement in the hardcore genre that came to be known as "Emotive Hardcore," spearheaded by Rites Of Spring. Harder-core-than-thou kids, who swore by Dischord Records a la Minor Threat, actually coined the term "Emo" as something of a put-down for the kids who really liked Rites Of Spring, Indian Summer and this new wave of "Emotive" Hardcore bands. That's right, "Emo" was once not something kids called themselves. The field exploded outwards from there - Level-Plane Records has always been the most famous Emo label. Acts like Yaphet Kotto, I Hate Myself, Saetia, Hot Cross, A Day In Black And White, Funeral Diner, I Would Set Myself On Fire For You, You And I, and hosts of others came in the next decade. Most emo bands have since broken up, but there's still the occasional hold-out (again, the majority of Level-Plane Records' roster has been a procession of emo acts). Like most DIY hardcore/punk of the time, a majority found its way onto vinyl and not much else. Some people consider bands like Fugazi, and later Sunny Day Real Estate, which some people may question.
Often, more recently, this gets intertwined with post-hardcore, and understandably so - that's nothing to make an issue of, since well shit, at least it's close.
Since the late 90s, though, bands have been emerging in the vein of Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional, and the thousands of their clones. As far as I can tell, some lazy journalist somewhere, writing an article about them, decided "Well, fuck, no one knows what emo is anyways, so I'll call these bands "emo" - sounds more appealing than bubblegum pop rock..." and the spiral continued downwards into the current amalgomation of bands MTV has told everyone is "emo."
Somehow, people decided that "emo" meant "emotional," which is obviously bullshit, as 99% of bands make music to illicit emotion, which would make "emotional" a completely all-encompassing genre from classical to opera to pop to rap.
WHY EMO DOESN'T MEAN "EMOTIONAL": I'm going to make this as easy to understand as possible because so many people mistake the word EMO for meaning "emotional" I'm about to tell you why it doesn't. The term emo is very different from what many "emo's" nowadays claim it is. If you claim "emo" were to mean "emotional" it then becomes an all encompassing word, it becomes extremely vague and it has no limit as to what it can and will describe. This is an issue because the term is suppose to (and believed to by the people who use it) to describe one specific thing, when it fact it does the complete opposite. Emo when wrongfully used as "emotional" describes every living thing, every song, every word, every breath, every statement. Why you ask? Because what as no emotion is dead.
Black fingernail polish. Pink may work also, but only if you're an Emo in a really good mood.
Converse shoes, Vans, or Airwalks
Studded belt and bracelet
Emo friends (or at least Emo sympathizer friends)
Overly tight t-shirts (Especially band t-shirts, cereal t-shirts, gaming t-shirts, carebear t-shirts, cartoon t-shirts, and any other t-shirts sold at Hot Topic.)
An undying love for Emo bands (Although I guess you could fake this, after all you have to be a really good actor to be Emo)
Tight jeans (This is a must, the absolute staple of all Emos
Black rimmed glasses (Even if your eyesight is perfect)
Arm bands
A MySpace account with a super Emo MySpace Layout
TIPS FOR EMO CLOTHING: As stated before, the eyeliner and fingernail polish applies to you whether you are a boy or a girl. In the Emo culture, both genders share many similarities. Usually, liquid eyeliner is used on both the top and the bottom. Sometimes Emos may only paint a single fingernail per hand, because it makes them different and edgy. Feel free to accessorize with band pins or any other pins that relate to cartoons, have funny sayings, cute pictures, etc. Stripes and checkers are big in the Emo culture, as are second hand clothes and worn tattered clothes (try thrift store shopping for the real emo look). The biggest part of dressing Emo is not to copy others' styles. Emos are very opinionated, and may feel offended if you bite their style. It will most likely make them pretty upset, and they will cry, so just don't do it.
EMO CLOTHING: By almost all current definitions, emo clothing is characterized by tight jeans on males and females alike, long fringe (bangs) often brushed to one side of the face, dyed black, blond or just a bunch of different colors, straightened hair, tight t-shirts which often bear the names of rock bands, studded belts, belt buckles, Chuck Taylor All-Stars, skate shoes, or other black shoes (often old and beaten up) and thick, black horn-rimmed glasses.
here are some different emo clothing types (yes there are different types):
The indie emo look - (best for girls and guys 16-20)
Dyed-black short hair with bangs short and cut straight across the forehead. Spikey in the back, slightly greasy. Really light blonde hair on girls often works too.
Piercings. The more the better.
Jewelry. The more the better. Beads, etc.
Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types).
Tight, fadded shirts with random slogans. It should look like it could have been bought at a thrift store but you didn't (but you really did). It takes a while to master that one.
Dark denim jean jackets.
Messenger bag covered in patches and pins (that you actually bought at shows).
Tight pants, sometimes cuffed once or twice but never more!
Black or blue converse shoes.
The nerdy emo look - (best for girls under 17 and guys over 21)
Short hair. Style it messy, but not spikey.
Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types).
Thin, tight, solid dark color v-neck sweaters. I call them Grandpa sweaters.
Band shirts.
Messenger bag covered in patches and pins (that you bought at Hot Topic but you tell everyone you got them at shows).
Dickies work pants. Blue, black or grey only!
Argyle socks.
Black converse shoes.
The dressy emo look - (best for girls and guys over 20)
Black or brown hair. Flipped out on girls, mop top on guys.
Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types).
A silver necklace with a star charm.
A black or navy blue pea coat.
Black messenger bag. No patches, 1 or 2 pins at the most (and only at the bottom of the strap).
Heavy dress slacks.
Doc Martens or clunky black shoes.


NOW HERE'S A COUPLE TIPS =D USE THEM WELL: Talk constantly to your non-emo friends about being emo. Each time they ask you what it is, say something different. Make it sound all mysterious and secretive.
Try and share your emo music with as many people as you can. Get really angry when they don't like it. Get really mad when they do like it and try to share it with other people.
Like meat? Well stop. Being a vegitarian or a vegan is one of the most important requirements of being emo.
When eating M&M's, only eat the red ones.
Start a livejournal, deadjournal or a diaryland diary. Write in it about all the shows you have gone to and how they have changed your life. Lie if necessary. Be sure and put the song you were listening to at the end of each entry and occasionally post some poems.
Remember: the fad of anti-fad.
Buy a digital camera and take lots of pictures of yourself. Turn your head as you take them so only your ear or eye or part of your hair shows. Then open them up in photo shop and blur them even more. It makes them look artistic. Taking photos of random objects in black and white also looks artistic. Once you've done that, you can consider yourself an art student.
Expect hardcore and straight edge kids to make fun of you. Tell them "your scene is dead!" and run away like the little wuss you are.
Join a band or make a new one. You'll suck, but at least you can tell people about it and it might help you get that cute emo girl's e-mail address.
EMO HAIR TIPS: One of the staples of the Emo style is your hair. It has to be long and partially hide your face. If not, it is not Emo... Period. If you are a guy, many times, you can achieve this look by just simply letting your hair grow wildly without any real styling. However, you may want to employ the use of hair gel to keep your bangs right where you want them, which is over your eyes. If you are a girl, you have to work a little more towards this, but you women are used to keeping your hair fixed up anyway, so this shouldn't be a big deal. Dye your hair black, which is a definite requirement, and if you'd like, you can incorporate a slight bit of blonde or pink into the bangs also. If you are a girl, you may possibly want to cut your hair to a very short bob-like hairstyle but keep your bangs long, swept drastically to one side and covering your eye. Or, for those who like Long hair, get many choppy layers and highlights. For a guy, you may want to spike up the back side, and pat down on the front side. You could also get your bangs/fringe dyed a lighter color than the rest of your hair.
SO HERE IT IS: In the early 90s there was a movement in the hardcore genre that came to be known as "Emotive Hardcore," spearheaded by Rites Of Spring. Harder-core-than-thou kids, who swore by Dischord Records a la Minor Threat, actually coined the term "Emo" as something of a put-down for the kids who really liked Rites Of Spring, Indian Summer and this new wave of "Emotive" Hardcore bands. That's right, "Emo" was once not something kids called themselves. The field exploded outwards from there - Level-Plane Records has always been the most famous Emo label. Acts like Yaphet Kotto, I Hate Myself, Saetia, Hot Cross, A Day In Black And White, Funeral Diner, I Would Set Myself On Fire For You, You And I, and hosts of others came in the next decade. Most emo bands have since broken up, but there's still the occasional hold-out (again, the majority of Level-Plane Records' roster has been a procession of emo acts). Like most DIY hardcore/punk of the time, a majority found its way onto vinyl and not much else. Some people consider bands like Fugazi, and later Sunny Day Real Estate, which some people may question.
Often, more recently, this gets intertwined with post-hardcore, and understandably so - that's nothing to make an issue of, since well shit, at least it's close.
Since the late 90s, though, bands have been emerging in the vein of Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional, and the thousands of their clones. As far as I can tell, some lazy journalist somewhere, writing an article about them, decided "Well, fuck, no one knows what emo is anyways, so I'll call these bands "emo" - sounds more appealing than bubblegum pop rock..." and the spiral continued downwards into the current amalgomation of bands MTV has told everyone is "emo."
Somehow, people decided that "emo" meant "emotional," which is obviously bullshit, as 99% of bands make music to illicit emotion, which would make "emotional" a completely all-encompassing genre from classical to opera to pop to rap.
WHY EMO DOESN'T MEAN "EMOTIONAL": I'm going to make this as easy to understand as possible because so many people mistake the word EMO for meaning "emotional" I'm about to tell you why it doesn't. The term emo is very different from what many "emo's" nowadays claim it is. If you claim "emo" were to mean "emotional" it then becomes an all encompassing word, it becomes extremely vague and it has no limit as to what it can and will describe. This is an issue because the term is suppose to (and believed to by the people who use it) to describe one specific thing, when it fact it does the complete opposite. Emo when wrongfully used as "emotional" describes every living thing, every song, every word, every breath, every statement. Why you ask? Because what as no emotion is dead.
Black fingernail polish. Pink may work also, but only if you're an Emo in a really good mood.
Converse shoes, Vans, or Airwalks
Studded belt and bracelet
Emo friends (or at least Emo sympathizer friends)
Overly tight t-shirts (Especially band t-shirts, cereal t-shirts, gaming t-shirts, carebear t-shirts, cartoon t-shirts, and any other t-shirts sold at Hot Topic.)
An undying love for Emo bands (Although I guess you could fake this, after all you have to be a really good actor to be Emo)
Tight jeans (This is a must, the absolute staple of all Emos
Black rimmed glasses (Even if your eyesight is perfect)
Arm bands
A MySpace account with a super Emo MySpace Layout
TIPS FOR EMO CLOTHING: As stated before, the eyeliner and fingernail polish applies to you whether you are a boy or a girl. In the Emo culture, both genders share many similarities. Usually, liquid eyeliner is used on both the top and the bottom. Sometimes Emos may only paint a single fingernail per hand, because it makes them different and edgy. Feel free to accessorize with band pins or any other pins that relate to cartoons, have funny sayings, cute pictures, etc. Stripes and checkers are big in the Emo culture, as are second hand clothes and worn tattered clothes (try thrift store shopping for the real emo look). The biggest part of dressing Emo is not to copy others' styles. Emos are very opinionated, and may feel offended if you bite their style. It will most likely make them pretty upset, and they will cry, so just don't do it.
EMO CLOTHING: By almost all current definitions, emo clothing is characterized by tight jeans on males and females alike, long fringe (bangs) often brushed to one side of the face, dyed black, blond or just a bunch of different colors, straightened hair, tight t-shirts which often bear the names of rock bands, studded belts, belt buckles, Chuck Taylor All-Stars, skate shoes, or other black shoes (often old and beaten up) and thick, black horn-rimmed glasses.
here are some different emo clothing types (yes there are different types):
The indie emo look - (best for girls and guys 16-20)
Dyed-black short hair with bangs short and cut straight across the forehead. Spikey in the back, slightly greasy. Really light blonde hair on girls often works too.
Piercings. The more the better.
Jewelry. The more the better. Beads, etc.
Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types).
Tight, fadded shirts with random slogans. It should look like it could have been bought at a thrift store but you didn't (but you really did). It takes a while to master that one.
Dark denim jean jackets.
Messenger bag covered in patches and pins (that you actually bought at shows).
Tight pants, sometimes cuffed once or twice but never more!
Black or blue converse shoes.
The nerdy emo look - (best for girls under 17 and guys over 21)
Short hair. Style it messy, but not spikey.
Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types).
Thin, tight, solid dark color v-neck sweaters. I call them Grandpa sweaters.
Band shirts.
Messenger bag covered in patches and pins (that you bought at Hot Topic but you tell everyone you got them at shows).
Dickies work pants. Blue, black or grey only!
Argyle socks.
Black converse shoes.
The dressy emo look - (best for girls and guys over 20)
Black or brown hair. Flipped out on girls, mop top on guys.
Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types).
A silver necklace with a star charm.
A black or navy blue pea coat.
Black messenger bag. No patches, 1 or 2 pins at the most (and only at the bottom of the strap).
Heavy dress slacks.
Doc Martens or clunky black shoes.


NOW HERE'S A COUPLE TIPS =D USE THEM WELL: Talk constantly to your non-emo friends about being emo. Each time they ask you what it is, say something different. Make it sound all mysterious and secretive.
Try and share your emo music with as many people as you can. Get really angry when they don't like it. Get really mad when they do like it and try to share it with other people.
Like meat? Well stop. Being a vegitarian or a vegan is one of the most important requirements of being emo.
When eating M&M's, only eat the red ones.
Start a livejournal, deadjournal or a diaryland diary. Write in it about all the shows you have gone to and how they have changed your life. Lie if necessary. Be sure and put the song you were listening to at the end of each entry and occasionally post some poems.
Remember: the fad of anti-fad.
Buy a digital camera and take lots of pictures of yourself. Turn your head as you take them so only your ear or eye or part of your hair shows. Then open them up in photo shop and blur them even more. It makes them look artistic. Taking photos of random objects in black and white also looks artistic. Once you've done that, you can consider yourself an art student.
Expect hardcore and straight edge kids to make fun of you. Tell them "your scene is dead!" and run away like the little wuss you are.
Join a band or make a new one. You'll suck, but at least you can tell people about it and it might help you get that cute emo girl's e-mail address.
EMO HAIR TIPS: One of the staples of the Emo style is your hair. It has to be long and partially hide your face. If not, it is not Emo... Period. If you are a guy, many times, you can achieve this look by just simply letting your hair grow wildly without any real styling. However, you may want to employ the use of hair gel to keep your bangs right where you want them, which is over your eyes. If you are a girl, you have to work a little more towards this, but you women are used to keeping your hair fixed up anyway, so this shouldn't be a big deal. Dye your hair black, which is a definite requirement, and if you'd like, you can incorporate a slight bit of blonde or pink into the bangs also. If you are a girl, you may possibly want to cut your hair to a very short bob-like hairstyle but keep your bangs long, swept drastically to one side and covering your eye. Or, for those who like Long hair, get many choppy layers and highlights. For a guy, you may want to spike up the back side, and pat down on the front side. You could also get your bangs/fringe dyed a lighter color than the rest of your hair.
Nowadays there a so many different types of styles to choose from its unbelievable. teenagers (and many adults) think that the way they dress defines the way they are, in a way it does, the colors you choose could relate to your mood that day, like black could say "I'm feeling depressed" or pink "I'm feeling happy and fun today!" but you get the point. Also its one way that we can express our feelings and creativity without being denied the right to speak out for ourselves. when you see someone walking down the street you first look at their face then at their clothes (most people) automatically decide how that person is just by one look at their clothes even though they know there's so much more underneath its just like a first impression you see a boy with black hair walking down the street in skinny jeans a tight shirt a pair of converses and piercings all over his face whats your automatic reaction? you automatically think he's a punk/goth/emo/skater? well he obviously dresses like that to send out that exact message even though unless you know the exact definition of what a punk/emo/goth/skater is then you wouldn't get it. Teenagers (consciously or not) try to tell you what they're like through their clothes. whatever their story is it doesn't even matter they don't necessarily want everyone to know Their life's story they just want people to see that that's how they are. so that why you see kids walking down the street in the things they do.
OVERVIEW: Pisces thrives through creative transportation and unique social experiences. There will be changes in the way you develop your inner-self, this year. Your ability to multitask will continue, as you become involved in more humanitarian projects. You have tremendous vitality and courage, and a healthy sense of who you are. You usually put your best foot forward, and are possessed by an innate charm and magnetism. You love being physically active, usually with others. You learn to take more responsibility by being diplomatic and tactful.
Your capacity for childlike wonder is a wonderful creative outlet. Sometimes, you may feel an unconscious pull toward an objective or goal that you do not fully understand. You also may be tempted to participate in many activities just to be involved for the social aspects of being around fun-loving people. Your task is to attempt to make conscious choices in these areas, and to become more aware of your true objectives based on your own values and goals, independent from the approval of others. Find happiness by connecting with your higher self, and by helping people to move closer together.
LOVE: Having love, spiritually and security in your relationship is one of your most intimate goals. You are very sensitive to what others say and do. Your emotions and intuition help you translate your sensitivity into compassion through your mystical approach of uniting with another on a higher level. Draw from your intuitive abilities to make good and decisions in all areas of your life. You feel as if you have a high spiritual calling when it comes to marriage, and relationships in general.
Your sweet intensity, charm and attractiveness lure others to you. This is especially promising around the summer, when you become very interested in the possibility of settling down and having children. Emotional security is a big thing for you and throughout the year you experience many life lessons through your relationships. Your strong capacity for joy and giving deepens your relationships and creates loving harmony and balance.
Your urge to be devoted to your partner is strong, yet sometimes it's hard to learn to become more emotionally detached so you can rely on your inner strength during stormy times. It is important for you to have someone that appreciates your mystical wisdom and attitudes; otherwise, you become restless and overly sensitive. You are a naturally intuitive person and see things from a perspective that others may not. The challenges you may experience in your love partnership will mainly be around learning to integrate and balance your own growth and create more harmony in your relationship. You will deepen your connection as the year unfolds, and learn to take responsibility for your own feelings.
CAREER: You are very attracted by variety in your career and enjoy having a profession in the arts. You have a natural grace and compassion working with people, and they appreciate and respect your help and wisdom. Your creative imagination needs to be indulged when you take the time to meditate and recharge your emotional energy. You love expanding your consciousness and passionately desire to bring your higher ideals and visionary philosophy to mainstream.
Travel and the exploration of your utopian ideals help to bring your vision and work to the world. You have a great passion for using your dreams to reflect truths about reality and a natural ability to teach and share with others. This year will be about learning the best ways to direct this energy to help others. Your insight is grounded in reality and you create harmony in your work, mainly because of having the same purpose and visions as those you collaborate with.
For this reason, it is important that the people you surround yourself with share a collective vision and goal. By the end of the year, you may go through many internal changes in the course of pursuing your vision. You are a real powerhouse, and enjoy being your own boss.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
Your capacity for childlike wonder is a wonderful creative outlet. Sometimes, you may feel an unconscious pull toward an objective or goal that you do not fully understand. You also may be tempted to participate in many activities just to be involved for the social aspects of being around fun-loving people. Your task is to attempt to make conscious choices in these areas, and to become more aware of your true objectives based on your own values and goals, independent from the approval of others. Find happiness by connecting with your higher self, and by helping people to move closer together.
LOVE: Having love, spiritually and security in your relationship is one of your most intimate goals. You are very sensitive to what others say and do. Your emotions and intuition help you translate your sensitivity into compassion through your mystical approach of uniting with another on a higher level. Draw from your intuitive abilities to make good and decisions in all areas of your life. You feel as if you have a high spiritual calling when it comes to marriage, and relationships in general.
Your sweet intensity, charm and attractiveness lure others to you. This is especially promising around the summer, when you become very interested in the possibility of settling down and having children. Emotional security is a big thing for you and throughout the year you experience many life lessons through your relationships. Your strong capacity for joy and giving deepens your relationships and creates loving harmony and balance.
Your urge to be devoted to your partner is strong, yet sometimes it's hard to learn to become more emotionally detached so you can rely on your inner strength during stormy times. It is important for you to have someone that appreciates your mystical wisdom and attitudes; otherwise, you become restless and overly sensitive. You are a naturally intuitive person and see things from a perspective that others may not. The challenges you may experience in your love partnership will mainly be around learning to integrate and balance your own growth and create more harmony in your relationship. You will deepen your connection as the year unfolds, and learn to take responsibility for your own feelings.
CAREER: You are very attracted by variety in your career and enjoy having a profession in the arts. You have a natural grace and compassion working with people, and they appreciate and respect your help and wisdom. Your creative imagination needs to be indulged when you take the time to meditate and recharge your emotional energy. You love expanding your consciousness and passionately desire to bring your higher ideals and visionary philosophy to mainstream.
Travel and the exploration of your utopian ideals help to bring your vision and work to the world. You have a great passion for using your dreams to reflect truths about reality and a natural ability to teach and share with others. This year will be about learning the best ways to direct this energy to help others. Your insight is grounded in reality and you create harmony in your work, mainly because of having the same purpose and visions as those you collaborate with.
For this reason, it is important that the people you surround yourself with share a collective vision and goal. By the end of the year, you may go through many internal changes in the course of pursuing your vision. You are a real powerhouse, and enjoy being your own boss.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
OVERVIEW: You enjoy having a large audience to express your passion for the arts and philanthropic activities and taking your visionary attitudes to the world to support your personal integrity. You feel very blessed by the wonderful connections you are making to express your concepts. You will find you can relate well to others and enjoy spreading your wings more to be with others in the community. Your attitude of enjoying life to its fullest carries over and makes you popular in your professional life.
The kindness you have been able to give to others will come back to you tenfold. People will appreciate your consideration and friendliness. With your need to concentrate and be independent, you prefer working in your own business and behind the scenes rather than with other people. You thrive on wanting to be different, and you will have lots of new resources to help you for achieve a greater good in life. You'll have lots of energy and won't overlook all the details you seem to need to take care of. You will definitely be working hard to manifest your greater visions in life. You have such an amazing flair for an unusual and unique sense of design.
Expressing your individual creative inspiration will be a strong motivation to you to make changes in your physical environment this year. You may even want to redecorate your house or start over from scratch. Mysticism and the arts are very attractive and you benefit from paying attention to your inner voice, and learning to follow its guidance, rather than depending on the changing reflections of those around you. You are fascinated by the unknowable mysteries of your own inner world and might want to express the inspiration you are tuning into through music and writing.
LOVE: You enjoy spending time searching the depths of your awareness of where you stand on certain issues. This yields positive results in terms of effectively communicating in partnership. You appreciate a person that is not hung up on mundane reality. You feel a strong connection between one's inner awareness and the deep and nebulous realms of magical inner worlds. The closeness in your personal relationship will be very comfortable this year as you are able to give of yourself in a more intimate way and be able to get through some of the fears you may have had about being in a love relationship.
You are feeling very passionate and are very energized by having such a wonderful relationship. You notice your urges for personal security and surprise yourself with how spontaneous you are in communicating your love to another. You will be able to bring your relationship to a higher level this year, and by this summer, you will seek more of a commitment. It's very helpful to maintain your idealistic picture of how you want your relationship to manifest. You will be amazed at the sense of healing in your relationship the year, and how much you are able to help others by your example of overcoming any fears from the past.
CAREER: Since this is a year for being ready to venture on your own, you will push to create your vision of a bigger expression of yourself. You are feeling pretty high minded and enjoy your insights. Your faith in your aspirations and abilities will help to continually remold you in doing the best you can and will bring a new kind of sensitivity into your demeanor. Your identity will hinge on the sense you have of yourself.
An attitude of reflecting good intentions, and being in tune with the true needs of others in society, makes you to want to extend yourself in a global way. You will be thrilled to focus on and express yourself with your unique individuality through your own business. Your good perception, open mindedness and strong mentality gives you an ability to do well in your work as you possess a keen, alert and expressive mind and can be versatile with your different skills.
You may need to avoid getting too caught up into the details and focus on the larger picture. By the end of the year, you will feel big transformations through sharing your beautiful work with the world. You will receive the recognition you deserve and your whole life will take on new meaning. You will take on new financial ventures this year as your business expands and you learn new ways of putting your integrity into action where others will greatly benefit from your pursuits. You may find that you will be working with many people and your focus will expand to new markets.
The kindness you have been able to give to others will come back to you tenfold. People will appreciate your consideration and friendliness. With your need to concentrate and be independent, you prefer working in your own business and behind the scenes rather than with other people. You thrive on wanting to be different, and you will have lots of new resources to help you for achieve a greater good in life. You'll have lots of energy and won't overlook all the details you seem to need to take care of. You will definitely be working hard to manifest your greater visions in life. You have such an amazing flair for an unusual and unique sense of design.
Expressing your individual creative inspiration will be a strong motivation to you to make changes in your physical environment this year. You may even want to redecorate your house or start over from scratch. Mysticism and the arts are very attractive and you benefit from paying attention to your inner voice, and learning to follow its guidance, rather than depending on the changing reflections of those around you. You are fascinated by the unknowable mysteries of your own inner world and might want to express the inspiration you are tuning into through music and writing.
LOVE: You enjoy spending time searching the depths of your awareness of where you stand on certain issues. This yields positive results in terms of effectively communicating in partnership. You appreciate a person that is not hung up on mundane reality. You feel a strong connection between one's inner awareness and the deep and nebulous realms of magical inner worlds. The closeness in your personal relationship will be very comfortable this year as you are able to give of yourself in a more intimate way and be able to get through some of the fears you may have had about being in a love relationship.
You are feeling very passionate and are very energized by having such a wonderful relationship. You notice your urges for personal security and surprise yourself with how spontaneous you are in communicating your love to another. You will be able to bring your relationship to a higher level this year, and by this summer, you will seek more of a commitment. It's very helpful to maintain your idealistic picture of how you want your relationship to manifest. You will be amazed at the sense of healing in your relationship the year, and how much you are able to help others by your example of overcoming any fears from the past.
CAREER: Since this is a year for being ready to venture on your own, you will push to create your vision of a bigger expression of yourself. You are feeling pretty high minded and enjoy your insights. Your faith in your aspirations and abilities will help to continually remold you in doing the best you can and will bring a new kind of sensitivity into your demeanor. Your identity will hinge on the sense you have of yourself.
An attitude of reflecting good intentions, and being in tune with the true needs of others in society, makes you to want to extend yourself in a global way. You will be thrilled to focus on and express yourself with your unique individuality through your own business. Your good perception, open mindedness and strong mentality gives you an ability to do well in your work as you possess a keen, alert and expressive mind and can be versatile with your different skills.
You may need to avoid getting too caught up into the details and focus on the larger picture. By the end of the year, you will feel big transformations through sharing your beautiful work with the world. You will receive the recognition you deserve and your whole life will take on new meaning. You will take on new financial ventures this year as your business expands and you learn new ways of putting your integrity into action where others will greatly benefit from your pursuits. You may find that you will be working with many people and your focus will expand to new markets.
OVERVIEW: You are feeling very optimistic, enthusiastic and self-confident, which will overflow into all areas of your life this year. You will be doing well with acquiring money to work with new, inventive ideas as well as balancing a lot of new things in your life. You will love the challenge of working with others with different points of view. The great energy you radiate will definitely attract lots of supportive people in your life. You may be called upon you to give more time and energy in a leadership position at work.
As you go through internal personal identity changes this year, you will notice where deep changes in your outlook are possible. You are persuasive and fond of getting your own way, but you are also truly committed to fairness, and will go out of your way to make sure that it is achieved. People appreciate your kind personality and appreciate how you help others. Your friendliness and spontaneity will push you to engage in all kinds of new activities.
By the summer, you will benefit by taking more interest in your sensuous nature and getting more involved in your love for music, painting and poetry. Your deep awareness of keeping track of your health and taking better care of yourself and your own needs will help you harness some of your active energy, possibly participating in physical sports as a good outlet. Taking a vacation and getting rest will do you wonders. You will benefit from some meditation and spiritual recognition of how you relate to the universe. You are likely to formulate some new ideals and viewpoints about your own spirituality.
LOVE: As much as you are feeling independent, love is definitely coming your way this year. You are attracting someone who appreciates you and your conscientious basic values. You are poetical and musical and will be radiating your positive energy and needs very easily. You will feel very energized when you meet someone special and you will have a close relationship.
Your involvement in this intimate relationship will take a lot of your energy in striving to achieve a harmonious balance. Tolerance and diplomacy may be required. Remember to keep your sensitivity in check and exercise gentleness and patience to work through difficult situations. You prefer not having to stand up for yourself in a confrontational way and it could be challenging if you forget that you attract more bees with honey than with vinegar. You can't afford to be overpowered by adversity.
Your great energy will help you to focus on making whatever changes you need to feel more comfortable and learn that your love is a work in progress. Socially, you will enjoy mingling and being actively engaged with people from all walks of life. Your objective nature will benefit you a lot this year. You may want to expand your relationship to make time for more activities. Have fun together to bring the two of you closer together. You have a lot of faith in yourself, as well as in your relationship, and your enthusiasm will definitely rub off. You may find that you will be swept off your feet and, in the blink of an eye you, could be engaged. You feel very comfortable realizing how nice it is having an intimate relationship and feeling whole, complete and young at heart.
CAREER: You will need to focus and analyze new projects that are coming your way, and will need to communicate with others with more authority. You will want to express yourself freely and confidently and to take one thing at a time. New inspiration will be flowing freely and, since you have such a wonderful way of creating new, unique and abundant ideas, this will be a total blessing for you.
You have a keen awareness of analytical communication skills and find a need to change your focus quite a bit. You will allow yourself to have more freedom and flexibility in your commitments to and your expectations of others. You do very well working with others because of your objectivity and fair-mindedness. You proudly take ownership of the philosophy that your cup is half-full, not half-empty. You love the independence you have worked so hard for in your career for, and fortunately have the ability to respond quickly to sudden changes of thoughts about how you do your work.
You have a wonderful desire to explore and enjoy intriguing scientific subjects and many of the ideas you work with are very advanced perceptions. You will achieve more of a focus on education and philosophy and expand your interests into new horizons. Your sense of being organized and methodical is the way you are individually and it will be tested this year. You will learn how to have more faith in the way the universe operates and the concept of perfect order and balance and that the answers to your questions in life lie within you as well. You have a great mind for articulating what you intuitively understand. Teaching as a profession would come naturally to you.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
As you go through internal personal identity changes this year, you will notice where deep changes in your outlook are possible. You are persuasive and fond of getting your own way, but you are also truly committed to fairness, and will go out of your way to make sure that it is achieved. People appreciate your kind personality and appreciate how you help others. Your friendliness and spontaneity will push you to engage in all kinds of new activities.
By the summer, you will benefit by taking more interest in your sensuous nature and getting more involved in your love for music, painting and poetry. Your deep awareness of keeping track of your health and taking better care of yourself and your own needs will help you harness some of your active energy, possibly participating in physical sports as a good outlet. Taking a vacation and getting rest will do you wonders. You will benefit from some meditation and spiritual recognition of how you relate to the universe. You are likely to formulate some new ideals and viewpoints about your own spirituality.
LOVE: As much as you are feeling independent, love is definitely coming your way this year. You are attracting someone who appreciates you and your conscientious basic values. You are poetical and musical and will be radiating your positive energy and needs very easily. You will feel very energized when you meet someone special and you will have a close relationship.
Your involvement in this intimate relationship will take a lot of your energy in striving to achieve a harmonious balance. Tolerance and diplomacy may be required. Remember to keep your sensitivity in check and exercise gentleness and patience to work through difficult situations. You prefer not having to stand up for yourself in a confrontational way and it could be challenging if you forget that you attract more bees with honey than with vinegar. You can't afford to be overpowered by adversity.
Your great energy will help you to focus on making whatever changes you need to feel more comfortable and learn that your love is a work in progress. Socially, you will enjoy mingling and being actively engaged with people from all walks of life. Your objective nature will benefit you a lot this year. You may want to expand your relationship to make time for more activities. Have fun together to bring the two of you closer together. You have a lot of faith in yourself, as well as in your relationship, and your enthusiasm will definitely rub off. You may find that you will be swept off your feet and, in the blink of an eye you, could be engaged. You feel very comfortable realizing how nice it is having an intimate relationship and feeling whole, complete and young at heart.
CAREER: You will need to focus and analyze new projects that are coming your way, and will need to communicate with others with more authority. You will want to express yourself freely and confidently and to take one thing at a time. New inspiration will be flowing freely and, since you have such a wonderful way of creating new, unique and abundant ideas, this will be a total blessing for you.
You have a keen awareness of analytical communication skills and find a need to change your focus quite a bit. You will allow yourself to have more freedom and flexibility in your commitments to and your expectations of others. You do very well working with others because of your objectivity and fair-mindedness. You proudly take ownership of the philosophy that your cup is half-full, not half-empty. You love the independence you have worked so hard for in your career for, and fortunately have the ability to respond quickly to sudden changes of thoughts about how you do your work.
You have a wonderful desire to explore and enjoy intriguing scientific subjects and many of the ideas you work with are very advanced perceptions. You will achieve more of a focus on education and philosophy and expand your interests into new horizons. Your sense of being organized and methodical is the way you are individually and it will be tested this year. You will learn how to have more faith in the way the universe operates and the concept of perfect order and balance and that the answers to your questions in life lie within you as well. You have a great mind for articulating what you intuitively understand. Teaching as a profession would come naturally to you.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
OVERVIEW: You're not one to give up on anything without a fight. This year, you need to prove to yourself that you absolutely can do anything your heart desires. You have a friendly nature, and feel very comfortable enjoying the group dynamics of different social scenes. Having high personal values, and being very idealistic, are just some of the reasons why you attract so many gifts and blessing from others -- not to mention having a natural talent for attracting money easily all year round.
You will feel deep transformation in your attitudes about money and your personal values, and are seriously thinking about what is important in your life. You may find you may are not placing as much importance on having physical things. Security may present itself through family and friendships instead of through objects and possessions.
You desire a deeper connection and emotional bonding with your family, exploring the ideas you have learned from your parents. You will appreciate some of the perennial wisdom that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. By the summer, you feel a new closeness in your relationships and will juggle love and work in order to maintain balance. Personal transformation is far more appealing than outer changes, this year.
LOVE: You strive for perfection, using your warm nature as a guide. Having an intimate relationship will be very important, as you seek a partner to match your high energy levels. You enjoy having a partner that will respond to the charm that you radiate. Communication of your own ideals will be easy as you discuss shared visions with your partner.
You may become dreamier this year, allowing spiritual ideas of connecting with another to become a driving force in your life. People will be very attracted to your warm and generous nature and your happy-go-lucky attitude. Your identity is based on and maintaining harmony and balance in your relationship, and this is one of the most important aspects of who you are. In the spring, you will enjoy snuggling up to the love of your life. With all the changes you've been feeling in your home life, it will be nice to have someone that's comforting and nurturing to help make your home more comfortable.
If you don't have a love relationship, or if you are already in one, by the summer, you will be falling in love all over again. The needs and wants of others are just as important as your own. You learn to balance your relationship this year, and communication becomes easier and more important to you as you learn to accept both your differences and similarities. You are feeling totally connected and passionate in this intimate relationship. Your are on fire, and may just get more deeply enthralled with the idea of having love as the focus of your time.
CAREER: With an ambitious fire and sense of perfectionism, you remain a hard worker who enjoys responsibility. You thrive on achievement, success and recognition, and you have a never ending well of energy to accomplish your goals. Your persistence will help you to achieve beyond your wildest imagination, this year. You will give work your all and reap the rewards of a job well done. You make a good teacher and a wonderful role model through your work. You could do well at working with handicapped people, helping them in their desires and succeed in making their dreams a reality.
You're a good team player and think of others in addition to yourself. As much as you like being surrounded by beautiful things, you are very practical in the way you spend money and don't like wasting it on frivolities. You are very clear minded in the way you want your achievements in your career path to look and are good at setting timelines to achieve the results you feel important. You possess great managerial abilities and organizational skills, and have a strong ability to make sound business decisions.
Even though you are very efficient in the way you manage time, you might tend to get yourself overscheduled and not allow yourself enough time to relax. In the summer, you will get a big boost in your career and will achieve the recognition you deserve. By autumn, you feel much more organized and energized. Perhaps it would be an ideal time for a little escape? Consider a late vacation, this year!
(compliments of ivillage.com)
You will feel deep transformation in your attitudes about money and your personal values, and are seriously thinking about what is important in your life. You may find you may are not placing as much importance on having physical things. Security may present itself through family and friendships instead of through objects and possessions.
You desire a deeper connection and emotional bonding with your family, exploring the ideas you have learned from your parents. You will appreciate some of the perennial wisdom that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. By the summer, you feel a new closeness in your relationships and will juggle love and work in order to maintain balance. Personal transformation is far more appealing than outer changes, this year.
LOVE: You strive for perfection, using your warm nature as a guide. Having an intimate relationship will be very important, as you seek a partner to match your high energy levels. You enjoy having a partner that will respond to the charm that you radiate. Communication of your own ideals will be easy as you discuss shared visions with your partner.
You may become dreamier this year, allowing spiritual ideas of connecting with another to become a driving force in your life. People will be very attracted to your warm and generous nature and your happy-go-lucky attitude. Your identity is based on and maintaining harmony and balance in your relationship, and this is one of the most important aspects of who you are. In the spring, you will enjoy snuggling up to the love of your life. With all the changes you've been feeling in your home life, it will be nice to have someone that's comforting and nurturing to help make your home more comfortable.
If you don't have a love relationship, or if you are already in one, by the summer, you will be falling in love all over again. The needs and wants of others are just as important as your own. You learn to balance your relationship this year, and communication becomes easier and more important to you as you learn to accept both your differences and similarities. You are feeling totally connected and passionate in this intimate relationship. Your are on fire, and may just get more deeply enthralled with the idea of having love as the focus of your time.
CAREER: With an ambitious fire and sense of perfectionism, you remain a hard worker who enjoys responsibility. You thrive on achievement, success and recognition, and you have a never ending well of energy to accomplish your goals. Your persistence will help you to achieve beyond your wildest imagination, this year. You will give work your all and reap the rewards of a job well done. You make a good teacher and a wonderful role model through your work. You could do well at working with handicapped people, helping them in their desires and succeed in making their dreams a reality.
You're a good team player and think of others in addition to yourself. As much as you like being surrounded by beautiful things, you are very practical in the way you spend money and don't like wasting it on frivolities. You are very clear minded in the way you want your achievements in your career path to look and are good at setting timelines to achieve the results you feel important. You possess great managerial abilities and organizational skills, and have a strong ability to make sound business decisions.
Even though you are very efficient in the way you manage time, you might tend to get yourself overscheduled and not allow yourself enough time to relax. In the summer, you will get a big boost in your career and will achieve the recognition you deserve. By autumn, you feel much more organized and energized. Perhaps it would be an ideal time for a little escape? Consider a late vacation, this year!
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OVERVIEW: With overflowing passion in all areas of life, you enjoy sharing, learning and developing your wonderful communication skills. Your ability to offer compassion and emotional sensitivity will help you connect to others, indirectly benefiting your home and career. You strive to get to the roots of issues, and develop intelligent and direct conversations. As you have a strong awareness of your own philosophical and spiritual inner world, you benefit greatly from private exploration of these concepts.
Being a more introspective, and focusing more on alone time instead of the outer world, will help you gather in some of your passionate energy and recharge your inner needs. You will become more interested in visionary ideas, and this will help you to use your latent creativity. Your desire for security is strongly connected with quality material possessions, and how much money you have. Your earning ability will dramatically increase, which will provide for enough left over both to enjoy life and put aside savings.
Your dreams of creating a perfect home sanctuary will come true. Many of your deep desires to make changes in your outer world will draw the attention of others. Your abundant optimism will attract great benefits and resources. You could spend time creating visions for large groups of people and helping them achieve their highest dreams. This will create a new sense of self-worth in them, and in you as well. Your optimism in your love partnership could lead to interesting and exotic travel plans. You love the feeling aliveness and vibrancy travel and spontaneity bring to your life.
LOVE: You will enjoy the classic romance of moonlight walks and candlelit dinners with your partner, this year. Having a committed relationship also filled with love and passion is one of your primary desires, and fulfills your emotional and erotic nature. You like the idea of having family and children. Take advantage of your desires to settle down and freely give of yourself to others. Home is very important, and you thrive on a need to have inner peace and family security.
Your intuition and idealism in your approach to love makes you feel quite attracted and excited about nurturing all the energy you are feeling. Love comes easily to you, this year, through charm and finesse. You can be in tune with your partner more than they can ever realize. You may also know things that he or she may not want to be revealed to you because of your tremendous psychic abilities, and strong instincts for distinguishing truth from fiction. For you to feel loved, nurtured and passionately cared for is a must.
You will become quite moody if others aren't sensitive to your deeper needs. At times you may feel hurt by your partner, and may go deep within and find a creative and spiritual resource instead of immediately lashing out. This will help you process your emotions until you can communicate exactly what you need to. Your deep emotions will require that you are understood: you know what you want and what is important to you. You will require others to understand you before you care to share with them your most intimate secrets.
CAREER: You are strongly determined to succeed and to complete your creative projects. Inner desires will serve both your career and your higher visions in life. Your responsibility, this year, is to find a profession that utilizes and lines up with your own personal ideals. You feel very fortunate that you have a job, and it will be very important that you get both recognition and be allowed to express your passion and interests. You are motivated to start new projects and keep your job lively and interesting. You're not afraid of hard work when you know that you have an important goal to fulfill.
Direct your energies towards understanding and learning from experiences of those from different walks of life than yours. It will be important for you to be conscious of being more of a team player, while working any through problems that may arise. Get a good grip on things before acting and be aware to not want to jump to conclusions. Others count on your deep insight, clarity and awareness of what's going on, as well as your ability to be able to communicate clearly. You have a natural talent to see other points of view, and don't miss a beat when it comes to expressing yourself. You have the great talent of a dramatic actor, which you could no doubt use to great effect when you want to get your way. Your performances will make you an asset in social situations this year.
(COMPLIMENTS OF ivillage.com)
Being a more introspective, and focusing more on alone time instead of the outer world, will help you gather in some of your passionate energy and recharge your inner needs. You will become more interested in visionary ideas, and this will help you to use your latent creativity. Your desire for security is strongly connected with quality material possessions, and how much money you have. Your earning ability will dramatically increase, which will provide for enough left over both to enjoy life and put aside savings.
Your dreams of creating a perfect home sanctuary will come true. Many of your deep desires to make changes in your outer world will draw the attention of others. Your abundant optimism will attract great benefits and resources. You could spend time creating visions for large groups of people and helping them achieve their highest dreams. This will create a new sense of self-worth in them, and in you as well. Your optimism in your love partnership could lead to interesting and exotic travel plans. You love the feeling aliveness and vibrancy travel and spontaneity bring to your life.
LOVE: You will enjoy the classic romance of moonlight walks and candlelit dinners with your partner, this year. Having a committed relationship also filled with love and passion is one of your primary desires, and fulfills your emotional and erotic nature. You like the idea of having family and children. Take advantage of your desires to settle down and freely give of yourself to others. Home is very important, and you thrive on a need to have inner peace and family security.
Your intuition and idealism in your approach to love makes you feel quite attracted and excited about nurturing all the energy you are feeling. Love comes easily to you, this year, through charm and finesse. You can be in tune with your partner more than they can ever realize. You may also know things that he or she may not want to be revealed to you because of your tremendous psychic abilities, and strong instincts for distinguishing truth from fiction. For you to feel loved, nurtured and passionately cared for is a must.
You will become quite moody if others aren't sensitive to your deeper needs. At times you may feel hurt by your partner, and may go deep within and find a creative and spiritual resource instead of immediately lashing out. This will help you process your emotions until you can communicate exactly what you need to. Your deep emotions will require that you are understood: you know what you want and what is important to you. You will require others to understand you before you care to share with them your most intimate secrets.
CAREER: You are strongly determined to succeed and to complete your creative projects. Inner desires will serve both your career and your higher visions in life. Your responsibility, this year, is to find a profession that utilizes and lines up with your own personal ideals. You feel very fortunate that you have a job, and it will be very important that you get both recognition and be allowed to express your passion and interests. You are motivated to start new projects and keep your job lively and interesting. You're not afraid of hard work when you know that you have an important goal to fulfill.
Direct your energies towards understanding and learning from experiences of those from different walks of life than yours. It will be important for you to be conscious of being more of a team player, while working any through problems that may arise. Get a good grip on things before acting and be aware to not want to jump to conclusions. Others count on your deep insight, clarity and awareness of what's going on, as well as your ability to be able to communicate clearly. You have a natural talent to see other points of view, and don't miss a beat when it comes to expressing yourself. You have the great talent of a dramatic actor, which you could no doubt use to great effect when you want to get your way. Your performances will make you an asset in social situations this year.
(COMPLIMENTS OF ivillage.com)
OVERVIEW: This year is all about manifesting your personal goals and highlighting life lessons. You may want to withdraw into your own world when, in reality, you have a strong urge to evolve. Detach from the mundane and spend more time discovering and caring for your own needs, nurturing all the love within that keeps your health flowing positively. Making long-overdue positive and practical changes in your living situation will be important, whether it's putting on the decorating cap or moving into a new house.
Home represents your foundation and is symbolic of who you are. You will have the inner strength and ability it takes to accomplish what you desire. The freed up energy will give you the optimism and enthusiasm to spread your wings and have long-deserved fun. It will be as though someone opened up a large picture window to let some fresh air flow in. Your life will definitely be brighter as new energy and opportunities come your way easily and freely. You will feel a great burden lift and come into a new sense of seeing things from a higher perspective.
Feeling reconnected with your hopes and dreams and having time to be sociable and chatty and being with friends and family will suit you just fine. Music is a great source of inspiration for to connect your talents with your quest for harmony -- true to your Libran nature of requiring peacefulness, harmony and balance in your life. Conserve some of your strength to relax and draw on a new sense of courage to help you achieve. Traveling will be a good outlet for you to expand your romantic interests.
LOVE: You like the idea of settling down with someone you love, and feel security of having a home together that matches your high ideals of beauty and comfort. You thrive on feeling validated for your creativity. Sharing in an intimate relationship gives you an abiding sense of enjoyment. You have a strong intuitive sense what a good partnership requires and like the idea of being part of a unit rather than being on your own.
Get out there! Accept invitations to social gatherings and creative events, embracing the opportunity to find your perfect partner or soul mate. Your energy, at this time, is right to attract an intimate relationship that is both loving and mutually harmonious. You will be imbued with happiness when you find that some of your romantic notions can be fulfilled through travels with your sweetie. Or, you may enjoy a solo adventure to help you gain perspective on life and romance. Taking time to enjoy the company of someone with similar high standards will lead to romantic fulfillment. Children also play an important part in giving you joy and loving energy, as your big heart helps to bring out their creative and loving gifts.
CAREER: Change comes your way as you shift your dreamy ideas into new practical avenues. You are a very talented writer and have amazing musical abilities. You express yourself with charm, and will entertain others with your ideas. There may be changes at work due to organizational upheavals or having to take on some new assignments.
You may be feeling a constricted and bored with your present job and may seize the opportunity to use your creativity and talents in new ways. You may even want to change jobs, if you are not satisfied with a change in routine or job description. As you develop your ideas more, be open to opportunities where people are looking for the special skills you possess. You like variety in your work, and you need to remain flexible to satisfy your new ideas and still receive rewards. New techniques for doing healing work may also bring some new opportunities.
Beware, however, the negative attitudes of others and always put yourself first. With perseverance, you will achieve more intellectual and communication flexibility in your career and make the necessary changes to fulfill your desires.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
Home represents your foundation and is symbolic of who you are. You will have the inner strength and ability it takes to accomplish what you desire. The freed up energy will give you the optimism and enthusiasm to spread your wings and have long-deserved fun. It will be as though someone opened up a large picture window to let some fresh air flow in. Your life will definitely be brighter as new energy and opportunities come your way easily and freely. You will feel a great burden lift and come into a new sense of seeing things from a higher perspective.
Feeling reconnected with your hopes and dreams and having time to be sociable and chatty and being with friends and family will suit you just fine. Music is a great source of inspiration for to connect your talents with your quest for harmony -- true to your Libran nature of requiring peacefulness, harmony and balance in your life. Conserve some of your strength to relax and draw on a new sense of courage to help you achieve. Traveling will be a good outlet for you to expand your romantic interests.
LOVE: You like the idea of settling down with someone you love, and feel security of having a home together that matches your high ideals of beauty and comfort. You thrive on feeling validated for your creativity. Sharing in an intimate relationship gives you an abiding sense of enjoyment. You have a strong intuitive sense what a good partnership requires and like the idea of being part of a unit rather than being on your own.
Get out there! Accept invitations to social gatherings and creative events, embracing the opportunity to find your perfect partner or soul mate. Your energy, at this time, is right to attract an intimate relationship that is both loving and mutually harmonious. You will be imbued with happiness when you find that some of your romantic notions can be fulfilled through travels with your sweetie. Or, you may enjoy a solo adventure to help you gain perspective on life and romance. Taking time to enjoy the company of someone with similar high standards will lead to romantic fulfillment. Children also play an important part in giving you joy and loving energy, as your big heart helps to bring out their creative and loving gifts.
CAREER: Change comes your way as you shift your dreamy ideas into new practical avenues. You are a very talented writer and have amazing musical abilities. You express yourself with charm, and will entertain others with your ideas. There may be changes at work due to organizational upheavals or having to take on some new assignments.
You may be feeling a constricted and bored with your present job and may seize the opportunity to use your creativity and talents in new ways. You may even want to change jobs, if you are not satisfied with a change in routine or job description. As you develop your ideas more, be open to opportunities where people are looking for the special skills you possess. You like variety in your work, and you need to remain flexible to satisfy your new ideas and still receive rewards. New techniques for doing healing work may also bring some new opportunities.
Beware, however, the negative attitudes of others and always put yourself first. With perseverance, you will achieve more intellectual and communication flexibility in your career and make the necessary changes to fulfill your desires.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
OVERVIEW: The focus for Virgo, this year, is on developing creative endeavors to better serve mankind as a whole. Your socially independent nature will attract wonderful new people into your life and you will gain more chances to expand your circle of friends. Your self-discipline will help you accomplish great things in your life.
As you passionately create, and brilliantly express, the earthy practical ideas that are abundantly flowing through you, your focus shifts to communicating your talents more publicly. Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you. You enjoy organizing and monitoring fundraising events that promote fresh ideas. Changes in your personal identity will prompt you to be more engaged in self-development and participate in new physical activities.
Your home environment will be influenced by all the changes you are experiencing, and reflect the happiness you flourish with beauty and creativity. The new you may be attracting an intimate relationship that provides the nourishment you need to keep your balance in the face of change. By the end of the year, you may feel more interested in settling down and enjoying luxury and comfort -- it's the perfect time for passionate weekend getaways.
LOVE: Many changes await your love life, this year. You need to feel harmonious in relationships, and that the loyalty of the people around you is strong. You value kindness and trust between people above all things, and enjoy tender moments, flowers and sensuality. You are also changeable in your affections, and may want something different and exciting on the spur of the moment. You will learn how to transform your partnership energy by being aware of the internal changes and differences in your own attitudes.
Restlessness spurs you to seek out new and exciting ways to maintain your interest levels. You need to have someone in your life that enjoys keeping up with the lively activities that you pack into your busy social calendar. Your independent nature will feel satisfied, and you won't feel guilty for being away from home when your free spirit needs to wander. You will enjoy the deep instinctual connection and will be more willing to merge your sexuality and enjoy having an interpersonal relationship. In spring, you should definitely be rocking and rolling with this new love that brings charm to your world.
Family will become more important to you as the year progresses, and you definitely feel thankful and blessed in many areas of your life. You will enjoy being taken out to concerts and social events and being around others that will appreciate your cultural tastes. By the end of the year, your attractiveness and desire draws a unique and lasting connection with someone else (if it hasn't already). Communication between the two of you is easy, gentle and kind, and you are well matched.
CAREER: Your good work habits hopefully won't cause you to overcompensate by asserting yourself to work harder, or feeling bombarded by obsessive focus on details. Doing things in bits and pieces rather than focusing on getting the whole project done all at once will be beneficial to you. Create an atmosphere that satisfies your childlike desire to have fun -- splashing around paint and getting your hands dirty will be a great outlet for new creative and dramatic expression of your points of view. Remember to try and go with the flow a little bit, and relax so that you can appreciate your own sense of worth and strong values. You may find that working with classical or other harmonious music in the background will help fulfill your need to concentrate more and keep you emotionally balanced.
In the spring, you should find a better connection with others and work out any differences. Exercise diplomacy in team efforts and interpersonal communication. Your co-workers will support you, and you find how much they appreciate your conscientious efforts to create love, beauty and harmony in the workplace. You need to give yourself permission to be in an environment in which you can participate in a wide range of healthy and dynamic interactions with others. You will do very well if you start an entrepreneur endeavor utilizing your creativity. Consider acting as a way to express yourself -- this will be a nice diversion. In your quiet moments, when you are listening to your inner voice, you will cultivate new ideas that begin to develop.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
As you passionately create, and brilliantly express, the earthy practical ideas that are abundantly flowing through you, your focus shifts to communicating your talents more publicly. Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you. You enjoy organizing and monitoring fundraising events that promote fresh ideas. Changes in your personal identity will prompt you to be more engaged in self-development and participate in new physical activities.
Your home environment will be influenced by all the changes you are experiencing, and reflect the happiness you flourish with beauty and creativity. The new you may be attracting an intimate relationship that provides the nourishment you need to keep your balance in the face of change. By the end of the year, you may feel more interested in settling down and enjoying luxury and comfort -- it's the perfect time for passionate weekend getaways.
LOVE: Many changes await your love life, this year. You need to feel harmonious in relationships, and that the loyalty of the people around you is strong. You value kindness and trust between people above all things, and enjoy tender moments, flowers and sensuality. You are also changeable in your affections, and may want something different and exciting on the spur of the moment. You will learn how to transform your partnership energy by being aware of the internal changes and differences in your own attitudes.
Restlessness spurs you to seek out new and exciting ways to maintain your interest levels. You need to have someone in your life that enjoys keeping up with the lively activities that you pack into your busy social calendar. Your independent nature will feel satisfied, and you won't feel guilty for being away from home when your free spirit needs to wander. You will enjoy the deep instinctual connection and will be more willing to merge your sexuality and enjoy having an interpersonal relationship. In spring, you should definitely be rocking and rolling with this new love that brings charm to your world.
Family will become more important to you as the year progresses, and you definitely feel thankful and blessed in many areas of your life. You will enjoy being taken out to concerts and social events and being around others that will appreciate your cultural tastes. By the end of the year, your attractiveness and desire draws a unique and lasting connection with someone else (if it hasn't already). Communication between the two of you is easy, gentle and kind, and you are well matched.
CAREER: Your good work habits hopefully won't cause you to overcompensate by asserting yourself to work harder, or feeling bombarded by obsessive focus on details. Doing things in bits and pieces rather than focusing on getting the whole project done all at once will be beneficial to you. Create an atmosphere that satisfies your childlike desire to have fun -- splashing around paint and getting your hands dirty will be a great outlet for new creative and dramatic expression of your points of view. Remember to try and go with the flow a little bit, and relax so that you can appreciate your own sense of worth and strong values. You may find that working with classical or other harmonious music in the background will help fulfill your need to concentrate more and keep you emotionally balanced.
In the spring, you should find a better connection with others and work out any differences. Exercise diplomacy in team efforts and interpersonal communication. Your co-workers will support you, and you find how much they appreciate your conscientious efforts to create love, beauty and harmony in the workplace. You need to give yourself permission to be in an environment in which you can participate in a wide range of healthy and dynamic interactions with others. You will do very well if you start an entrepreneur endeavor utilizing your creativity. Consider acting as a way to express yourself -- this will be a nice diversion. In your quiet moments, when you are listening to your inner voice, you will cultivate new ideas that begin to develop.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
LEO ~ YEAR 2008
OVERVIEW: Dramatic, dynamic and compassionate Leo starts the year working hard to discover new ways to express practical ideals by connecting to inner wisdom. You will realize how everything you do in your life affects the entire world on some level. Feeling a need to change and re-evaluate your personal values and all that you hold sacred has been a regular exercise for you, both personally and financially.
Deep and profound changes and blessings await you as you freely give your energy to help others and take a hard look at your personal values in relationship to your resources. Some of the blocks you may have been feeling in your personal life and not knowing which direction to go will be lifted. By the spring, you will be feeling more grounded and secure, and a little more compassionate and tolerant of others. Comfort, relaxation and being mindful are all very important factors that inspire you to live a healthy life. You enjoy nature, so consider gardening to maintain your sunny disposition.
As much as you dream of having a perfect partnership, you have had to work out a lot of your own personal values to know what you really want. It's good to clarify these wants, so that by summer you will be able to put more of your focus into giving your relationship the time and energy it needs. Things will become much more interesting for you by the end of summer. New and wonderful opportunities to enjoy innovative pursuits will enable you to enjoy your creature comforts in the home that you so proudly feel is your sanctuary.
LOVE: You idealize having a close relationship and spending time laughing, spending time in the moonlight and romanticizing until the wee hours of the morning. You have been going through a lot of changes in your love life, and not so sure you can deal with the ups and downs that you have experienced in relationships in the past. You may want to enhance your playfulness and creativity by exploring cultural experiences where you can enjoy beauty with your partner. Excitement in your love life and enjoying the high life is very appealing to you now.
All these fun and creative activities will help you and your partner to strengthen your communication. Being spiritually connected with another helps you to feel the equal energy of sharing. Your intense desire for feeling connected to your love and taking it to the next step will trigger a need to explore whether your dreams are being reciprocated. Discussions of partnerships and marriage are likely and, through these talks, you gain new insight into your desires.
Towards the end of the year you will want to openly share your innermost secrets and passionate nature. The desire to be more connected to home and your nesting instincts will want to be satisfied in this year of new beginnings.
CAREER: This is a good time for you to evaluate your personal desires and make any changes you feel necessary to the work you choose to do. Because you have a big heart, you will feel comfortable in helping others that are going through difficult transitions. You would do very well working in the healthcare field this year, or other service organization where you can make a positive transformation in helping create good outcomes for others' benefit and welfare. By putting your energy into helping and assisting others, you will feel transformed and appreciated by the people that you are helping.
You will be going through positive changes, aligning yourself more with your higher standards of how you do business. You have been working very hard in creating sources of income and have wondered where the money is going to be coming from to take care of all your needs in the future. You will find that money will be coming in from unexpected sources and partnerships that have not been fruitful in the past, but surprise you when they come through. You'll feel very energized and focused on overcoming any difficult situations by finding you can direct yourself and recreate your way of doing business.
By the end of the year, you may reevaluate how much you are doing and start working on a new personal project that expresses the transformational experiences you have had. Nurturing your own creativity by getting involved in some art oriented projects will help you clear out your mind and renew your focus. You can give out a lot more energy in your work when you are inspired and feeling joyful and optimistic. Your renewal will help you realize that everything your awareness touches becomes a field for your intellectual attainment.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
Deep and profound changes and blessings await you as you freely give your energy to help others and take a hard look at your personal values in relationship to your resources. Some of the blocks you may have been feeling in your personal life and not knowing which direction to go will be lifted. By the spring, you will be feeling more grounded and secure, and a little more compassionate and tolerant of others. Comfort, relaxation and being mindful are all very important factors that inspire you to live a healthy life. You enjoy nature, so consider gardening to maintain your sunny disposition.
As much as you dream of having a perfect partnership, you have had to work out a lot of your own personal values to know what you really want. It's good to clarify these wants, so that by summer you will be able to put more of your focus into giving your relationship the time and energy it needs. Things will become much more interesting for you by the end of summer. New and wonderful opportunities to enjoy innovative pursuits will enable you to enjoy your creature comforts in the home that you so proudly feel is your sanctuary.
LOVE: You idealize having a close relationship and spending time laughing, spending time in the moonlight and romanticizing until the wee hours of the morning. You have been going through a lot of changes in your love life, and not so sure you can deal with the ups and downs that you have experienced in relationships in the past. You may want to enhance your playfulness and creativity by exploring cultural experiences where you can enjoy beauty with your partner. Excitement in your love life and enjoying the high life is very appealing to you now.
All these fun and creative activities will help you and your partner to strengthen your communication. Being spiritually connected with another helps you to feel the equal energy of sharing. Your intense desire for feeling connected to your love and taking it to the next step will trigger a need to explore whether your dreams are being reciprocated. Discussions of partnerships and marriage are likely and, through these talks, you gain new insight into your desires.
Towards the end of the year you will want to openly share your innermost secrets and passionate nature. The desire to be more connected to home and your nesting instincts will want to be satisfied in this year of new beginnings.
CAREER: This is a good time for you to evaluate your personal desires and make any changes you feel necessary to the work you choose to do. Because you have a big heart, you will feel comfortable in helping others that are going through difficult transitions. You would do very well working in the healthcare field this year, or other service organization where you can make a positive transformation in helping create good outcomes for others' benefit and welfare. By putting your energy into helping and assisting others, you will feel transformed and appreciated by the people that you are helping.
You will be going through positive changes, aligning yourself more with your higher standards of how you do business. You have been working very hard in creating sources of income and have wondered where the money is going to be coming from to take care of all your needs in the future. You will find that money will be coming in from unexpected sources and partnerships that have not been fruitful in the past, but surprise you when they come through. You'll feel very energized and focused on overcoming any difficult situations by finding you can direct yourself and recreate your way of doing business.
By the end of the year, you may reevaluate how much you are doing and start working on a new personal project that expresses the transformational experiences you have had. Nurturing your own creativity by getting involved in some art oriented projects will help you clear out your mind and renew your focus. You can give out a lot more energy in your work when you are inspired and feeling joyful and optimistic. Your renewal will help you realize that everything your awareness touches becomes a field for your intellectual attainment.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
OVERVIEW: Cozy Cancer will have a great year focusing on the home front. So much of your energy will be giving more to your personal relationships and partnerships. Security and home is such an important part of your makeup and will take center stage in your priorities. Being emotionally sensitive to good relationships that are nourishing and loving will help add harmony in all aspects of your life. The changes you experience in your life will be deeply felt and lasting.
Positive things come from the deep level of attention you give to these transformational opportunities. You will reap great rewards as you learn to expand your communication skills and be true to your inner self and your own personal needs. You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. It is important for you to maintain a positive self-image the way you define who you are and how you feel about life as you bring your energy out into the world.
You desire recognition and the more you focus on keeping up a good attitude about your career and life in general, people that you thought overlooked your good efforts will be your greatest and most supportive allies. New opportunities to venture out on your own in business will open up for you, yet if you decide to stay where you are, you will be reaping financial rewards as well. Keep your optimism strong no matter if you decide to move on or stay where you are. Between juggling your own needs and maintaining balance in your relationships, summer will be a wonderful time to get away and take time out for yourself to enjoy relaxing by the sea, swimming and enjoying life.
LOVE: By putting so much energy into your individual growth, it won't be surprising if you attract a wonderful new love into your life that reflects all your inner work. Take advantage of the opportunities for adventure that await you as you establish a harmonious relationship this year. You and your true love can nestle away in bliss and have the open communication that is the basis for a solid foundation in your future. Creating balance despite a demanding lifestyle will help you to attract the person you desire.
Having a romantic love in your life will open up your whole existence to feeling wonderful in all areas of your life. You magnify the good feelings you already have, and your partner can match your moods in an uplifting way. The more time you invest in creating happiness within your own heart and mind, the more your whole existence will feel wonderful. You have long awaited a commitment and your passion is hard to hide. Relationship security is very important, so going with the flow and appreciating what you have are will help you gain that which you want.
Stimulating moments can bring struggle and blessings at the same time. Spend time to reflect and meditate if insecurity or feelings of uneasiness strike. Consider practical solutions to move this relationship to the next level. What you do to draw on your inner strength will affect how you manifest expression in all areas of your life. The end of the year will be more fluid, bringing the rewards you are looking for.
CAREER: Your career gets off to a good start early in the year and you will feel as if you are in a good place to help others. You can do almost any type of job with your attention to detail, ability to concentrate and communication skills. You have an inherent love for health and the perfection of the physical body, and may feel called to work on innovative healthcare. You work very well with people and would also make a good arbitrator or lawyer, championing fairness in relationships. You may need to slow down.
Become more aware of how you can more carefully communicate your needs and aspirations. You need your best side to come through loud and clear. With your sharp abilities to focus on your work and the strong mental connection you have to clearly express yourself in a very practical and matter-of-fact way, you can accomplish a lot without expending more energy than needed. Your dreams are idealistic and you are excited about your personal success and positive service to others. You have a tendency toward fastidiousness and perfectionism which helps make you a good detail artist. You have a talent for design wherein beauty and functionality are combined.
Your strong heart connection and passion for excellence may be feeling a little cramped by someone in authority that might want you to take a different direction. New exciting opportunities to venture out on your own may arise. You may feel somewhat restricted in the expression of your passionate nature. Develop more faith in your abilities and have a more positive attitude toward your own innate wisdom and abilities for optimum success this year.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
Positive things come from the deep level of attention you give to these transformational opportunities. You will reap great rewards as you learn to expand your communication skills and be true to your inner self and your own personal needs. You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. It is important for you to maintain a positive self-image the way you define who you are and how you feel about life as you bring your energy out into the world.
You desire recognition and the more you focus on keeping up a good attitude about your career and life in general, people that you thought overlooked your good efforts will be your greatest and most supportive allies. New opportunities to venture out on your own in business will open up for you, yet if you decide to stay where you are, you will be reaping financial rewards as well. Keep your optimism strong no matter if you decide to move on or stay where you are. Between juggling your own needs and maintaining balance in your relationships, summer will be a wonderful time to get away and take time out for yourself to enjoy relaxing by the sea, swimming and enjoying life.
LOVE: By putting so much energy into your individual growth, it won't be surprising if you attract a wonderful new love into your life that reflects all your inner work. Take advantage of the opportunities for adventure that await you as you establish a harmonious relationship this year. You and your true love can nestle away in bliss and have the open communication that is the basis for a solid foundation in your future. Creating balance despite a demanding lifestyle will help you to attract the person you desire.
Having a romantic love in your life will open up your whole existence to feeling wonderful in all areas of your life. You magnify the good feelings you already have, and your partner can match your moods in an uplifting way. The more time you invest in creating happiness within your own heart and mind, the more your whole existence will feel wonderful. You have long awaited a commitment and your passion is hard to hide. Relationship security is very important, so going with the flow and appreciating what you have are will help you gain that which you want.
Stimulating moments can bring struggle and blessings at the same time. Spend time to reflect and meditate if insecurity or feelings of uneasiness strike. Consider practical solutions to move this relationship to the next level. What you do to draw on your inner strength will affect how you manifest expression in all areas of your life. The end of the year will be more fluid, bringing the rewards you are looking for.
CAREER: Your career gets off to a good start early in the year and you will feel as if you are in a good place to help others. You can do almost any type of job with your attention to detail, ability to concentrate and communication skills. You have an inherent love for health and the perfection of the physical body, and may feel called to work on innovative healthcare. You work very well with people and would also make a good arbitrator or lawyer, championing fairness in relationships. You may need to slow down.
Become more aware of how you can more carefully communicate your needs and aspirations. You need your best side to come through loud and clear. With your sharp abilities to focus on your work and the strong mental connection you have to clearly express yourself in a very practical and matter-of-fact way, you can accomplish a lot without expending more energy than needed. Your dreams are idealistic and you are excited about your personal success and positive service to others. You have a tendency toward fastidiousness and perfectionism which helps make you a good detail artist. You have a talent for design wherein beauty and functionality are combined.
Your strong heart connection and passion for excellence may be feeling a little cramped by someone in authority that might want you to take a different direction. New exciting opportunities to venture out on your own may arise. You may feel somewhat restricted in the expression of your passionate nature. Develop more faith in your abilities and have a more positive attitude toward your own innate wisdom and abilities for optimum success this year.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
Gemini ~ Year 2008
OVERVIEW: Much of your energy this year will be focused on figuring out ways improve your financial situation. Money will definitely be coming your way and will greatly influence your personal beliefs, dreams and philosophies. You have a quick way of analyzing situations and expertise to organize your thoughts to maximize your productivity. You have an intense desire to be of service to others and have a keen sense of knowing where in the world you can be most effective to make a positive difference for change in the world.
Community involvement gives you a forum to sharpen your debate and controversy skills that you so thoroughly enjoy. There will be a strong influence from others to help you create more personal security in having your material needs met. You could expect receiving a possibly large sum of money from someone you have helped rise to the top of their career. The summer will give you more time to enjoy life and pamper yourself. Time for some long deserved wonderful vacation time! It will be good to get away and spend some time to start thinking of yourself more and allowing time to recreate your personal values. This will give you a new sense of personal freedom.
You are feeling your home life requires attention to be more comfortable. New ideas will flow to create a nurturing atmosphere for your innovative lifestyle. You will definitely be setting some time aside to make some changes, even the possibility of a complete move to better suit your dreams and aspirations. Your creative interest is perked when you share your stimulating ideas with a responsive mate.
LOVE: You love being intimately connected with another and have no problem sending out those signals. Your passionate, sensual and patient energy is given to others freely and people appreciate receiving your soothing energy. You possess a lot of enthusiasm and easily communicate your deep feelings and strong desires to have a love relationship, yet sometimes you hold back, monitoring and intellectualizing your interests in another instead of verbalizing your romantic interest in having commitment in your life. You would prefer if they make the first move before you're comfortable enough to let them know how you feel.
Much of the transformation you will be experiencing this year will be in relationships and in partnerships, helping you to see more deeply into your own motivation. Deep and profound changes in your dynamics of togetherness will give you an opportunity to explore your deeper needs and personal desires in a new way that will change your life forever. You start the year off wanting to be in an intimate relationship, and the blessings you experience will accumulate throughout the year -- both financially and otherwise -- once you decide you are sure you want to go forward.
Your whole life will be dramatically changed for the better and you may get deeply involved in this relationship, because it will be amazingly transforming. You will find new ways of establishing harmony when you focus on forming a closer emotional attachment. You find a lot of faith and trust in this relationship and incline to be very poetic about seeing things from a more high-minded viewpoint. You will find wisdom in sharing with each other and finding your own independent inner strength. Learn acceptance of each other through spontaneous communication of your spiritual ideals and insights.
CAREER: You are a natural born inventor and as you apply the brilliance of your knowledge, your career will be brought to a new level of success. You enjoy working and security is very important. This may take the form of striving for material rewards. Many of your inventions can be brought effortlessly to production, and you may easily be able to sell some of your ideas. They could positively influence the success of the world's economy and contribute tremendously towards your own financial situation. Your focus is excellent, and you are a good worker because of it.
You enjoy working by yourself more than with others and enjoy spending time using your strong imagination and expressing your individuality. You prefer the unconventional approaches to work with your creativity to continually change the way you do things. Earning money and creating and regenerating new resources to create more abundance in your life is something you will be very good at. You will do well with investments and managing money for others. Money should be flowing in abundantly towards the end of the year, and you may enjoy tuning more into the visionary side of your dreams.
As much as you will be enjoying and feeling motivated by your career because of all the inner changes you've been experiencing in terms of earning more money and getting your ideas into production, in the summer you will find the changes you've been experiencing in this area will enable you to have more time to focus on your own personal needs and desires. Your inquisitive and scientific nature with excellent powers of logic, reason and insight are idealistic yet well grounded in reality. You enjoy opportunities to expressing yourself within the context of larger groups and do well in helping promote group awareness.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
Community involvement gives you a forum to sharpen your debate and controversy skills that you so thoroughly enjoy. There will be a strong influence from others to help you create more personal security in having your material needs met. You could expect receiving a possibly large sum of money from someone you have helped rise to the top of their career. The summer will give you more time to enjoy life and pamper yourself. Time for some long deserved wonderful vacation time! It will be good to get away and spend some time to start thinking of yourself more and allowing time to recreate your personal values. This will give you a new sense of personal freedom.
You are feeling your home life requires attention to be more comfortable. New ideas will flow to create a nurturing atmosphere for your innovative lifestyle. You will definitely be setting some time aside to make some changes, even the possibility of a complete move to better suit your dreams and aspirations. Your creative interest is perked when you share your stimulating ideas with a responsive mate.
LOVE: You love being intimately connected with another and have no problem sending out those signals. Your passionate, sensual and patient energy is given to others freely and people appreciate receiving your soothing energy. You possess a lot of enthusiasm and easily communicate your deep feelings and strong desires to have a love relationship, yet sometimes you hold back, monitoring and intellectualizing your interests in another instead of verbalizing your romantic interest in having commitment in your life. You would prefer if they make the first move before you're comfortable enough to let them know how you feel.
Much of the transformation you will be experiencing this year will be in relationships and in partnerships, helping you to see more deeply into your own motivation. Deep and profound changes in your dynamics of togetherness will give you an opportunity to explore your deeper needs and personal desires in a new way that will change your life forever. You start the year off wanting to be in an intimate relationship, and the blessings you experience will accumulate throughout the year -- both financially and otherwise -- once you decide you are sure you want to go forward.
Your whole life will be dramatically changed for the better and you may get deeply involved in this relationship, because it will be amazingly transforming. You will find new ways of establishing harmony when you focus on forming a closer emotional attachment. You find a lot of faith and trust in this relationship and incline to be very poetic about seeing things from a more high-minded viewpoint. You will find wisdom in sharing with each other and finding your own independent inner strength. Learn acceptance of each other through spontaneous communication of your spiritual ideals and insights.
CAREER: You are a natural born inventor and as you apply the brilliance of your knowledge, your career will be brought to a new level of success. You enjoy working and security is very important. This may take the form of striving for material rewards. Many of your inventions can be brought effortlessly to production, and you may easily be able to sell some of your ideas. They could positively influence the success of the world's economy and contribute tremendously towards your own financial situation. Your focus is excellent, and you are a good worker because of it.
You enjoy working by yourself more than with others and enjoy spending time using your strong imagination and expressing your individuality. You prefer the unconventional approaches to work with your creativity to continually change the way you do things. Earning money and creating and regenerating new resources to create more abundance in your life is something you will be very good at. You will do well with investments and managing money for others. Money should be flowing in abundantly towards the end of the year, and you may enjoy tuning more into the visionary side of your dreams.
As much as you will be enjoying and feeling motivated by your career because of all the inner changes you've been experiencing in terms of earning more money and getting your ideas into production, in the summer you will find the changes you've been experiencing in this area will enable you to have more time to focus on your own personal needs and desires. Your inquisitive and scientific nature with excellent powers of logic, reason and insight are idealistic yet well grounded in reality. You enjoy opportunities to expressing yourself within the context of larger groups and do well in helping promote group awareness.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
Taurus~ Year 2008
OVERVIEW: Grounded and practical Taurus will experience extra boosts of optimism and find time to bring creative projects to the forefront, this year. Your personal needs will be met the more you tune into your spiritual side, and your growth will be directly connected with your ability to accept your deep philosophical transformation. You will continue to work out how you can use your creative side to improve your finances.
Methodically organizing your perceptions as they come to you will enhance your career. Weighing choices carefully as they arise before making decisions will be very important, this year. Take advantage of this expansive time and act upon your desire to enroll in new classes. You could greatly benefit by finishing that degree or get that certificate you've been working on. Likewise, educational trips and romantic vacations exploring different philosophies and arts will give you insight and help you jumpstart your projects and articulate new ideas. You derive nourishment and balance taking sojourns to the mountains or lakeside retreats. You will also benefit by sharing the creative wisdom you have acquired, and see results as your ideas are folded into mainstream values.
This is a good time to follow that urge to express your deep inner changes in your personal growth and publish or write your own books. You enjoy sharing your musical talents, and creating a new musical piece is a very strong possibility. You can be very successful in expressing your higher principles, whether it is work related or community oriented. Expect monetary returns when you put your ideas into practice.
LOVE: This year, you may find yourself attracted to someone you work with. Your passionate nature attracts someone who shares your values and has a deep focus on their career. Consider spending free time together, sharing in activities that keep you actively engaged with each other. Almost everything you do together will allow you to feel a balanced flow of energy.
As the year progresses, you really like the idea of sharing your life with this person. Hopefully, this person in will feel the same way! As you deepen your own self-awareness, and recognize your own self-worth, you will attract the love you need and deserve. When you find your perfect soul mate, you an innate sense of closeness develops. You both revel in both the natural world, and in lively social situations. This year will bring positive changes in how you communicate with others, as well. Your passion and charm rise to the surface, and you yearn for a deeper commitment with the one you love. This could be the one to make you dream to walk down the aisle.
CAREER: You will spend most of this year exercising your creativity and helping others, which will bring you great financial rewards and success. A high-minded and productive energy will focus your emotional sensitivity to the needs of your co-workers and associates. Your expansive ideas will serve humanity in a bigger way through understanding your own basic needs. You find, as you channel your creative talents, you easily come upon opportunities to be of service to others.
You need to continually work on clearly communicating and promoting your ideas and surrounding yourself with a team of people to support them. You are a hard worker and expect others to help and do their share. With all of these gifts, a position or power or promotion is likely. In this leadership position, you will find a platform for teaching others how to succeed. By the end of the year, all of these changes will lead to the financial rewards you seek, leaving you in a much more secure financial position.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
Methodically organizing your perceptions as they come to you will enhance your career. Weighing choices carefully as they arise before making decisions will be very important, this year. Take advantage of this expansive time and act upon your desire to enroll in new classes. You could greatly benefit by finishing that degree or get that certificate you've been working on. Likewise, educational trips and romantic vacations exploring different philosophies and arts will give you insight and help you jumpstart your projects and articulate new ideas. You derive nourishment and balance taking sojourns to the mountains or lakeside retreats. You will also benefit by sharing the creative wisdom you have acquired, and see results as your ideas are folded into mainstream values.
This is a good time to follow that urge to express your deep inner changes in your personal growth and publish or write your own books. You enjoy sharing your musical talents, and creating a new musical piece is a very strong possibility. You can be very successful in expressing your higher principles, whether it is work related or community oriented. Expect monetary returns when you put your ideas into practice.
LOVE: This year, you may find yourself attracted to someone you work with. Your passionate nature attracts someone who shares your values and has a deep focus on their career. Consider spending free time together, sharing in activities that keep you actively engaged with each other. Almost everything you do together will allow you to feel a balanced flow of energy.
As the year progresses, you really like the idea of sharing your life with this person. Hopefully, this person in will feel the same way! As you deepen your own self-awareness, and recognize your own self-worth, you will attract the love you need and deserve. When you find your perfect soul mate, you an innate sense of closeness develops. You both revel in both the natural world, and in lively social situations. This year will bring positive changes in how you communicate with others, as well. Your passion and charm rise to the surface, and you yearn for a deeper commitment with the one you love. This could be the one to make you dream to walk down the aisle.
CAREER: You will spend most of this year exercising your creativity and helping others, which will bring you great financial rewards and success. A high-minded and productive energy will focus your emotional sensitivity to the needs of your co-workers and associates. Your expansive ideas will serve humanity in a bigger way through understanding your own basic needs. You find, as you channel your creative talents, you easily come upon opportunities to be of service to others.
You need to continually work on clearly communicating and promoting your ideas and surrounding yourself with a team of people to support them. You are a hard worker and expect others to help and do their share. With all of these gifts, a position or power or promotion is likely. In this leadership position, you will find a platform for teaching others how to succeed. By the end of the year, all of these changes will lead to the financial rewards you seek, leaving you in a much more secure financial position.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
Aries~ Year 2008
OVERVIEW: New opportunities arise this year, resulting in a positive turn for your career. You will learn to master your energy to meet your goals. You are good at taking leadership, and you'll make deep, transforming changes and tap into this abundant energy in new and dynamic ways. Even though you may feel pulled to accomplish great things, you will still be able to keep balance in your personal life and your energy alive and renewed.
Amidst this change, you will be able to remain mentally focused. You may become more methodical and practical than usual in managing your responsibilities. Stopping to think things through carefully will impact you and your surroundings in a very profound and positive way. Seize the opportunity to think things through during the first few months of the year. Even though you enjoy beginning new projects, make the time to relax a bit to complement your natural tendency toward activity, both physical and otherwise.
As you successfully achieve your career goals this year, it will be important to maintain a watchful eye over the security of your family life. You may find yourself doing some remodeling in your home and you will take pleasure in spending more time and energy enjoying the creature comforts you have created. You will cultivate good relationships through the end of the year, which will reflect positive changes in your life. Your will enjoy socializing more than usual. You will be networking and connecting with different types of people from all over the world and it will feel like a breath of fresh air. As your career takes off, it will be much easier than usual to express yourself with warmth and charm.
LOVE: You might be feeling the need to give more of yourself to have your own needs met in this relationship. You may find some existing associations may change in some way. Perhaps frustrations that have been building over time will come to a head, or the relationship may transform itself utterly by ending.
You will feel comfortable and will like the idea of being with this person in a long-term commitment and get more of your personal needs met in your home arena. Many of your prayers will be answered. You like being in love and the idea of nesting, having children and a family, and may want to settle down in a new way that you never felt possible before.
As you see more of a serious benefit of having a love partnership, you put a lot of energy wondering if this is the right person and will eventually feel a deep peace of mind about being connected more deeply and more personally than ever. Expressing your needs will be very easy and you will feel you have a good balance in your relationship. Financially, this is a good time to tie the knot and you will feel secure in moving forward.
CAREER: Because of major shifts in your long term plans of career, luck and good fortune will definitely smile upon you in this area of your life and you will be rewarded for all your hard work. New avenues of expression and opportunities will open up and you will definitely feel support, inner strength and courage.
The time has come for a fresh start, formulate plans to get back on track and make the necessary decisions. You will experience deep philosophical changes around work and career that cause you to reevaluate your present situation and motivate you to make choices on the best path to follow. You will find support to be able to communicate with clarity and purpose in defining yourself and your needs.
You already possess an active and dynamic will, but this year especially brings in an abundant amount of energy to support your contemplating beginning new projects. You are very capable in accomplishing what you set out to do and the stars shine brightly to support any changes you decide to make. Your success will carve out a beautiful path of recognition and a positive reputation. Staying on target with your goals should be easy as you easily and effortlessly climb up to the top of your goals achieving great success as you learn new ways to express your strong determination to succeed. As you focus your powerful energy on work issues, you will feel a strong need to balance your energy to maintain a healthy home. By the end of summer, work should be a little less hectic and you will not have to work quite as hard to attain results in your career.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
Amidst this change, you will be able to remain mentally focused. You may become more methodical and practical than usual in managing your responsibilities. Stopping to think things through carefully will impact you and your surroundings in a very profound and positive way. Seize the opportunity to think things through during the first few months of the year. Even though you enjoy beginning new projects, make the time to relax a bit to complement your natural tendency toward activity, both physical and otherwise.
As you successfully achieve your career goals this year, it will be important to maintain a watchful eye over the security of your family life. You may find yourself doing some remodeling in your home and you will take pleasure in spending more time and energy enjoying the creature comforts you have created. You will cultivate good relationships through the end of the year, which will reflect positive changes in your life. Your will enjoy socializing more than usual. You will be networking and connecting with different types of people from all over the world and it will feel like a breath of fresh air. As your career takes off, it will be much easier than usual to express yourself with warmth and charm.
LOVE: You might be feeling the need to give more of yourself to have your own needs met in this relationship. You may find some existing associations may change in some way. Perhaps frustrations that have been building over time will come to a head, or the relationship may transform itself utterly by ending.
You will feel comfortable and will like the idea of being with this person in a long-term commitment and get more of your personal needs met in your home arena. Many of your prayers will be answered. You like being in love and the idea of nesting, having children and a family, and may want to settle down in a new way that you never felt possible before.
As you see more of a serious benefit of having a love partnership, you put a lot of energy wondering if this is the right person and will eventually feel a deep peace of mind about being connected more deeply and more personally than ever. Expressing your needs will be very easy and you will feel you have a good balance in your relationship. Financially, this is a good time to tie the knot and you will feel secure in moving forward.
CAREER: Because of major shifts in your long term plans of career, luck and good fortune will definitely smile upon you in this area of your life and you will be rewarded for all your hard work. New avenues of expression and opportunities will open up and you will definitely feel support, inner strength and courage.
The time has come for a fresh start, formulate plans to get back on track and make the necessary decisions. You will experience deep philosophical changes around work and career that cause you to reevaluate your present situation and motivate you to make choices on the best path to follow. You will find support to be able to communicate with clarity and purpose in defining yourself and your needs.
You already possess an active and dynamic will, but this year especially brings in an abundant amount of energy to support your contemplating beginning new projects. You are very capable in accomplishing what you set out to do and the stars shine brightly to support any changes you decide to make. Your success will carve out a beautiful path of recognition and a positive reputation. Staying on target with your goals should be easy as you easily and effortlessly climb up to the top of your goals achieving great success as you learn new ways to express your strong determination to succeed. As you focus your powerful energy on work issues, you will feel a strong need to balance your energy to maintain a healthy home. By the end of summer, work should be a little less hectic and you will not have to work quite as hard to attain results in your career.
(compliments of ivillage.com)
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